#111. Start here to learn why, when and how to use an agile approach to build Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications. In this episode, you’ll learn: • Why I
#111. Start here to learn why, when and how to use an agile approach to build Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications. In this episode, you’ll learn: • Why I
#87. Join me with Mandar Zope, a principal consultant at Slalom Consulting from Seattle. Mandar has been busy building business applications that are being used by a hundred thousand users
#89. Join me with Mohammad Mohsin Khalid. And he’s the founder, CEO and chief architect at Imperium Dynamics. He and his team built a Power Portal to support a million
#92. Join me with Gail Mercer-MacKay, the founder and CEO of Mercer-MacKay. They have a unique position in the Microsoft ecosystem: they help Microsoft partners clarify their marketing message and
#101. DynamicsCon starts next week. Lipi Sarkar is presenting two sessions at DynamicsCon and joins me to share the highlights from her presentations as well as her book, Build a