Ribbon Dependencies in Version 9 – isNaN is no more!

I recently blogged about the introduction of the script dependancies dialog in Version 9 where you can define the scripts that are needed by another. Although it does not solve the asynchronous loading issue for forms, it makes it simpler to add scripts to form since the dependencies will automatically be added for us.

Up until now, there has been a common pattern when adding script to Ribbon…

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Ribbon Dependencies in Version 9 – isNaN is no more!

I recently blogged about the introduction of the script dependancies dialog in Version 9 where you can define the scripts that are needed by another. Although it does not solve the asynchronous loading issue for forms, it makes it simpler to add scripts to form since the dependencies will automatically be added for us.

Blog Syndicated with Develop1’s Permission

Author: Scott Durow

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