Refresh Main Form When New Child Row is Added in Subgrid via Quick Create Form in Model-Driven App

This post will explain how you can refresh all the data of the main form when
the user adds a new row to the child table by clicking on the
+ Add New button from the subgrid and adding one from the
Quick Create Form of the child table.

When the user adds a new row to the child table from the subgrid and
Save and Close the Quick Create Form, the subgrid (from

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Refresh Main Form When New Child Row is Added in Subgrid via Quick Create Form in Model-Driven App

This post will explain how you can refresh all the data of the main form when the user adds a new row to the child table by clicking on the + Add New button from the subgrid and adding one from the Quick Create Form of the child table.

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Linn Zaw Win

Author: Linn Zaw Win

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