Use Dataverse Elastic Tables in Power Automate Cloud Flows

Use Dataverse Elastic Tables in Power Automate Cloud Flows

In this blog post, I will guide you through overcoming common challenges encountered during CRUD operations on elastic tables in Dataverse using Power Automate cloud flow. While I was working with cloud flow run history in Dataverse, I experienced an unusual issue. In my cloud flow, I use a “List Rows” action to retrieve the data from Flow Run … Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s Article on their blog Use...

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Open New Record Form with Pre-populated Fields Using Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo

Open New Record Form with Pre-populated Fields Using Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo

This post will explain how you can pre-populate fields with various data types (lookup, partylist, etc.) when a new table form is opened using the Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo method. There is a navigateTo (Client API reference) in the Microsoft Learn but it lacks a code example for the implementation of data object parameter to set the default values to the fields when a form is… Continue Reading Linn Zaw...

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How to Fix Button in Modern Command Bar Disappearing After Grid Item Selection

How to Fix Button in Modern Command Bar Disappearing After Grid Item Selection

This post provides a resolution for the issue that the modern command button added to the Main Grid, Subgrid View or Associated View doesn’t appear as expected after one or more grid items are selected. In the following scenario, a Clone button is added to the Main Grid of the table before the Delete button using the modern commanding with the Visibility property to… Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s...

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Keep Your Dataverse Solution Clean and Simple

Keep Your Dataverse Solution Clean and Simple

Solutions are used to transport table metadata, apps, automations and other components from one environment to another in Dataverse or Power Platform projects. It is important to keep the solutions as simple as possible to improve the solution import time and to avoid unexpected behaviour in the target environment. The rule of thumb is to include only the components that are… Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s Article on...

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Refresh Main Form When New Child Row is Added in Subgrid via Quick Create Form in Model-Driven App

Refresh Main Form When New Child Row is Added in Subgrid via Quick Create Form in Model-Driven App

This post will explain how you can refresh all the data of the main form when the user adds a new row to the child table by clicking on the + Add New button from the subgrid and adding one from the Quick Create Form of the child table. When the user adds a new row to the child table from the subgrid and Save and Close the Quick Create Form, the subgrid (from which… Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s...

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How to Embed Audit History on a Form in Model-Driven App

How to Embed Audit History on a Form in Model-Driven App

This post will explain how you can embed an audit history on the form of a table using an iFrame control and JavaScript. If you do not want the users to click multiple times on Related tab and then Audit History, you can show it on the form directly or under a separate tab by adding an iFrame control and set the URL of the iFrame using JavaScript.

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Hiding a Column Without Removing From a View in Model-Driven App

Hiding a Column Without Removing From a View in Model-Driven App

Sometimes, there is a requirement to hide a column from a view (main grid or subgrid view) even though the column is required for the view to be functional. Since the column is still required, it cannot be removed using the modern view designer. One of the examples is to hide the column that is used for sorting because it is showing up as a subtitle in the lookup… Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s Article on their blog...

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Dynamically List Rows From Any Dataverse Table with FetchXML in Power Automate

Dynamically List Rows From Any Dataverse Table with FetchXML in Power Automate

With the List Rows action of Microsoft Dataverse, we can use FetchXML to query the data. For such queries, all we need is to populate the Table name and Fetch Xml Query parameters. But what if we only have the FetchXML? What if we want to query dynamically from different tables based on the FetchXML? One of the use cases would be storing the FetchXML in the config table where the… Continue Reading Linn Zaw...

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Generate Document From Word Template and Send As Email Attachment Using Cloud Flow

Generate Document From Word Template and Send As Email Attachment Using Cloud Flow

With Word templates in Dynamics 365 or a model-driven app, users can generate and download standardised documents automatically populated with data from a particular row. There is also a process action called “SetWordTemplate” that will attach the generated document from a word template as a note attachment on a record. The user can download the generated document, attach it to the email… Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s...

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Formatting Section or Field Label as Bold/Italic in Model-driven App

Formatting Section or Field Label as Bold/Italic in Model-driven App

In the form designer for Power Apps model-driven app (or Dynamics 365 app), there is no way to add some styling to the labels of the controls (field, tab, section, grid, etc.). But if you want to emphasise some of the words in your label, you can achieve some limited formatting by using the Unicode version of bold/italic characters. You may also add some emojis like emoji Meg. … Continue Reading Linn Zaw Win’s...

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Debugging Pre Operation Plug-In Without Plug-In Trace Log

Debugging Pre Operation Plug-In Without Plug-In Trace Log

Recently, I developed a plugin which triggers on pre-operation stage. As typical pre-operation plug-ins, the logic is to intercept the InputParameters and modify them based on custom logic. After deploying the plug-in to the Development environment, I just got a generic error as below when I tested by making a change that would trigger the plug-in. There is no arrow icon to expand for the… Continue Reading Linn Zaw...

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Cloud Flows with Dataverse Trigger Not Working After Solution Import

Cloud Flows with Dataverse Trigger Not Working After Solution Import

This post will explain how you can identify the root cause of the issue and resolve it if some of the cloud flows with Dataverse trigger are not getting triggered after solution import even though the status of the flow is “On”. After one of the deployments, the test team reported that some of the cloud flows are not getting triggered when a row is added or updated in Dataverse. … Continue Reading Linn Zaw...

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Error Handling and Show Error Message from API in Canvas App

Error Handling and Show Error Message from API in Canvas App

This post will explain how you can handle errors from a connector (or custom connector) and show a proper error message from the response of the API. Whenever we use the Patch() function to create/update a row in Microsoft Dataverse, call an action of a (custom) connector or call a Power Automate cloud flow, there may be an error due to the server-side validation or an exception… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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How to Set Model-driven App Custom Table Icons in Dataverse

How to Set Model-driven App Custom Table Icons in Dataverse

This post will explain how you can set the icon for a Microsoft Dataverse custom table (entity icon) in the Power Apps maker portal. When the custom tables are created for Dynamics 365 and model-driven app projects, updating the icon of the table is important because it is automatically assigned a puzzle piece ? icon by default. The icon of the table will be displayed in the sitemap, as the… Continue Reading

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Disable Hyperlink for Lookup Columns in Grid Views of Model-driven Apps

Disable Hyperlink for Lookup Columns in Grid Views of Model-driven Apps

This post will explain how you can turn off clickable lookups in the grid views of model-driven apps. Microsoft has recently rolled out the new update for Power Apps Read-Only Grid which has a new property called “Navigation types allowed”. This property will allow the system customiser to disable clickable hyperlinks for the lookup column values and only show them as text. According to… Continue Reading...

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Filter by Lookup with retrieveMultipleRecords JavaScript WebApi in Offline Mode

Filter by Lookup with retrieveMultipleRecords JavaScript WebApi in Offline Mode

This post will explain how filtering using the lookup column is different between a normal online scenario and a mobile offline scenario in Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords. You will also learn about how to write a script to support both scenarios. Before setting up the Dynamics 365 app or Power Apps model-driven app in offline mode, it is important to read through this… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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Managing Public SharePoint Documents for Power Apps Portal and Internal Documents Using Cloud Flow (Part 8 of 8)

Managing Public SharePoint Documents for Power Apps Portal and Internal Documents Using Cloud Flow (Part 8 of 8)

<meta content="When the SharePoint integration from Power Apps portals is enabled, the users can see all the SharePoint documents related to the record but we can upload the documents for internal purpose to the secondary Document Location and keep those hidden from the Portal user.” name=”twitter:description”> This is the eighth post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with …...

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Automatically Create SharePoint Folder Structure Based on Specific Table in Dataverse Using Cloud Flow (Part 3 of 7)

Automatically Create SharePoint Folder Structure Based on Specific Table in Dataverse Using Cloud Flow (Part 3 of 7)

This is the third post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part7) In my first post, I have explained how to automatically create the SharePoint Document Location using the cloud flow when a new row is added to the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 table. But if you… Continue Reading...

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Trigger OnCreate Cloud Flow for Existing Rows (Part 2 of 7)

Trigger OnCreate Cloud Flow for Existing Rows (Part 2 of 7)

This is the second post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part7) In my previous post, I have explained how to automatically create the SharePoint Document Location using the cloud flow when a new row is added to the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 table. But if… Continue...

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Find SharePoint Folder with Particular Name Among Multiple Document Libraries Using Cloud Flow (Part 7 of 7)

Find SharePoint Folder with Particular Name Among Multiple Document Libraries Using Cloud Flow (Part 7 of 7)

This is the seventh post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) In the Part 3 post, I have explained how to automatically create subfolders under the Document Library. If the requirement is to process/send the documents stored in one of… Continue Reading...

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Automatically Move Dataverse Email Attachments to SharePoint Document Library Using Cloud Flow (Part 6 of 6)

Automatically Move Dataverse Email Attachments to SharePoint Document Library Using Cloud Flow (Part 6 of 6)

This is the sixth post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) With server-side synchronisation, you can synchronise your email system with Microsoft Dataverse and create corresponding email activities in Dataverse. But if the option to… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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SharePoint URL Shortcut on Form and Generic Dataverse Update Step in Power Automate (Part 5 of 6)

SharePoint URL Shortcut on Form and Generic Dataverse Update Step in Power Automate (Part 5 of 6)

This is the fifth post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6) SharePoint integration in a model-driven app is easy to use and the user can simply view/upload the related documents in the Documents associated grid under the Related tab. But the… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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Automatically Create SharePoint Subfolders Using Cloud Flow and Environment Variable (Part 4 of 6)

Automatically Create SharePoint Subfolders Using Cloud Flow and Environment Variable (Part 4 of 6)

This is the fourth post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6) In some of my projects, there is a requirement to automatically create subfolders when the document location is created. In that way, the users will have a proper folder structure to… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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Get Output Data from Expand Query of Microsoft Dataverse Connector in Power Automate

Get Output Data from Expand Query of Microsoft Dataverse Connector in Power Automate

The Common Data Service (current environment) (which is highly likely to be renamed soon) Dataflex (Common Data Service current) Common Data Service (current environment) Microsoft Dataverse connector has Expand Query parameter for Get a record and List records actions which can be used to retrieve the related entity. In one of my previous blog posts, I wrote about how you can use…...

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Automatically Create SharePoint Document Location for Dataverse/Dynamics 365 Using Cloud Flow (Part 1 of 6)

Automatically Create SharePoint Document Location for Dataverse/Dynamics 365 Using Cloud Flow (Part 1 of 6)

This is the first post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) This post will explain how you can automatically create the SharePoint Document Location using the cloud flow in Power Automate when a new row is added to the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 table. … Continue...

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How to Set Lookup Fields with Null Value from Dynamic Content in Microsoft Dataverse Connector

How to Set Lookup Fields with Null Value from Dynamic Content in Microsoft Dataverse Connector

In one of my previous blog posts, I wrote about How to Set Lookup Field Value in Microsoft Dataverse Flow Connector. In that blog post, I mentioned that I was not sure how to set a lookup as null either directly or from another record’s lookup field as the output of the step (which can potentially be null). Recently, I discovered a way to do that and I would like to share that with you… Continue Reading...

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Automatically Create SharePoint Folder Structure Based on Specific Table in Dataverse Using Cloud Flow (Part 3 of 6)

Automatically Create SharePoint Folder Structure Based on Specific Table in Dataverse Using Cloud Flow (Part 3 of 6)

This is the third post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) In my first post, I have explained how to automatically create the SharePoint Document Location using the cloud flow when a new row is added to the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 table. But if you want to… Continue Reading...

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SharePoint Document Upload in Dynamics 365/Microsoft Dataverse with Custom Field (Part 3 of 3)

SharePoint Document Upload in Dynamics 365/Microsoft Dataverse with Custom Field (Part 3 of 3)

This is the third post in a series of File field as input and SharePoint as storage. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2) Customising the document upload dialog box for the purpose of adding an additional field to capture the metadata of the uploaded document is a common ask in the community forums. Now in one of my previous blog posts about How… Continue Reading (Linn...

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Mix and Match FetchXML Query with Web API Query Options of Microsoft Dataverse Connector in Power Automate

Mix and Match FetchXML Query with Web API Query Options of Microsoft Dataverse Connector in Power Automate

Recently, Microsoft has added validation in the Flow Checker to show the following warning message to the users if any of the Select Query, Filter Query or Top Count is not specified in the List records action of the Common Data Service (current environment) connector in Power Automate.  Update action ‘List Records with Fetch Xml Query’ to use a select query, filter query, or…...

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Get Flow Run by Using Dynamics 365/Microsoft Dataverse Record ID as Parameter in Power Automate

Get Flow Run by Using Dynamics 365/Microsoft Dataverse Record ID as Parameter in Power Automate

There are several ways on how you can access the flow run history in Power Automate. In fact, to make things easier for me, I created a solution and wrote a blog post about how to Access Flow Run History within a Record in Dynamics 365/Microsoft Dataverse (check that out if that is of interest). However, the solution I did is not for everyone especially if there are tons of existing flows in… Continue Reading...

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Trigger OnCreate Cloud Flow for Existing Rows (Part 2 of 6)

Trigger OnCreate Cloud Flow for Existing Rows (Part 2 of 6)

This is the second post in a series of Automating SharePoint Integration with Dataverse using Power Automate. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) In my previous post, I have explained how to automatically create the SharePoint Document Location using the cloud flow when a new row is added to the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 table. But if you… Continue Reading...

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Automatically Create SharePoint Document Location for Dataverse/Dynamics 365 Using Cloud Flow (Part 1 of 5)

Automatically Create SharePoint Document Location for Dataverse/Dynamics 365 Using Cloud Flow (Part 1 of 5)

This post will explain how you can automatically create the SharePoint Document Location using the cloud flow in Power Automate when a new row is added to the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 table. Microsoft Dataverse supports integration with SharePoint Online and with out-of-the-box functionality, the SharePoint folder and the related Document Location data is created on the fly when the… Continue Reading...

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Move Attachment from File Field of Microsoft Dataverse to SharePoint in Power Automate (Part 1 of 3)

Move Attachment from File Field of Microsoft Dataverse to SharePoint in Power Automate (Part 1 of 3)

This is the first post in a series of File field as input and SharePoint as storage. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 2, Part 3) What is a File field and how you can use it Microsoft has added the File and Image datatypes to Microsoft Dataverse last year which was only available in canvas apps first, and then was later on made available in the model-driven app with… Continue...

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The Return of Composite Address Control in Model-driven Apps – Now with Built-in Autocomplete Functionality

The Return of Composite Address Control in Model-driven Apps – Now with Built-in Autocomplete Functionality

Early this year, Microsoft has announced the general availability of address input control as part of geospatial features for canvas apps. But how about model-driven apps? Can we have a similar address input control for model-driven apps too? Capturing addresses is a common business scenario and address lookup functionality is preferred to be used in most of my projects to… Continue Reading (Linn...

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Unable to Export Solution from Dataverse/Dynamics 365 with Generic Unexpected Error

Unable to Export Solution from Dataverse/Dynamics 365 with Generic Unexpected Error

When I tried to download the solution in the maker portal, it took really long and finally the following error was shown. Solution “Power Platform Playground” failed to export: An unexpected error occurred. I tried it again in the classic solution explorer, I got the same generic “Unexpected Error” popup and the downloaded log file is not helpful either.

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Allow Users Without Delete Privilege on Activity to End Recurring Appointment Series or Convert Single Appointment to Recurring One

Allow Users Without Delete Privilege on Activity to End Recurring Appointment Series or Convert Single Appointment to Recurring One

This post will explain how you can implement a plug-in that will allow the normal users without prvDeleteActivity (Delete privilege for the Activity table) to end a recurring appointment series, update recurrence information, or convert an existing appointment to a recurring appointment. In most of the Dynamics 365/Power Apps + Dataverse implementations, it is a common practice not… Continue Reading...

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Add Two-level up Related Column to a View in Model-driven Apps

Add Two-level up Related Column to a View in Model-driven Apps

In this post, I will explain how you can add a column from the related table (up to two-level up) to the views in model-driven apps. In Dynamics 365 projects or Power Apps (model-driven apps) projects, it is a common requirement to edit the system view to show the columns from the related table. With the out-of-the-box view designer, you can easily add the column from the directly… Continue Reading (Linn...

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Handle Base64 and Binary File Content Types in Power Automate

Handle Base64 and Binary File Content Types in Power Automate

Did you know that there are two types of file or image content type used in the input and output parameters? In this post, you will learn how to handle the different types of file content in the cloud flow action parameters. When working with the input and output parameters for file content, you need to provide a value as Binary data type for most of the input parameters (e.g. 

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Validating Document Upload in Business Process Flow by Setting Field Requirement Level Conditionally (Part 2 of 3)

Validating Document Upload in Business Process Flow by Setting Field Requirement Level Conditionally (Part 2 of 3)

This is the second post in a series of File field as input and SharePoint as storage. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 3) Using the File field in Business Process Flow for uploading of documents Sometimes, the new functionalities introduced to the Common Data Service (CDS) platform is not immediately supported in the no-code functionality of the model-driven… Continue Reading...

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Use Filter Array instead of Nested List Records to Optimise the Cloud Flow

Use Filter Array instead of Nested List Records to Optimise the Cloud Flow

In this post, I will explain how you can use the Filter Array action to filter the required rows of the output data from the List Records action. When there is a requirement to match the rows from two arrays using a particular property value, you can use the Filter Array action to get the matching object from the array. In the scenario below, you will see how it can be used to get… Continue Reading (Linn...

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Retrieve more than 100,000 Dataverse Rows with List Records Action in Cloud Flow Using Skip Token

Retrieve more than 100,000 Dataverse Rows with List Records Action in Cloud Flow Using Skip Token

Have you ever wondered what the Skip Token parameter in the List Records action of Common Data Service (current environment) connector is for? In this post, I will explain how you can retrieve any number of rows, even more than 100,000 rows, by handling paging manually with the Skip Token parameter. By default, the List Records action in Power Automate can retrieve up to 5,000 rows… Continue Reading...

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Populate Activity Party Value with JSON Array in Power Automate

Populate Activity Party Value with JSON Array in Power Automate

In this post, I will explain how you can dynamically populate the Activity Parties or any other array input parameter by switching to input entire array and populating with the JSON array. In cloud flow, when the input parameter of the action is an array data type, the flow designer shows the input parameter in two different modes: Detail inputs… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw Win)’s Article on their...

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Perform Bound/Unbound Action with EntityType Parameters in Power Automate

Perform Bound/Unbound Action with EntityType Parameters in Power Automate

In this post, I will explain how you need to populate the entity (or table) type input parameters for some of the bound/unbound actions in cloud flows. That can be a bit tricky when the input parameters are not simple data types (such as string, boolean, etc.). Some of the entity type parameters are expecting an entity object with column values to be created as a new row… Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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Dynamically Populate Polymorphic Lookup Value in Power Automate without using Condition Step

Dynamically Populate Polymorphic Lookup Value in Power Automate without using Condition Step

In my previous post, I have described how to populate Owner value dynamically in Power Automate. The trick I used in that post only works for the Owner lookup though and not for polymorphic lookups. And the reason why is because if you are using the Dataverse/Common Data Service (current environment) connector, there is only one input parameter for the Owner column unlike  for polymorphic… Continue Reading...

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Dynamically Populate Owner Value (User or Team) in Power Automate

Dynamically Populate Owner Value (User or Team) in Power Automate

When building flows in Power Automate, sometimes we need more than just adding a dynamic value for complex scenarios (or at least for complex data types like polymorphic lookups). In this post, you will learn about how to set the value of the Owner field dynamically based on the value of another row’s Owner field (which can be either User or Team). Owner value from Trigger Output In… Continue Reading

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Find ID of SharePoint Document by File Name in Power Automate

Find ID of SharePoint Document by File Name in Power Automate

Did you know that there are two types of identifiers used in the SharePoint connector to identify an item in a SharePoint list or a SharePoint document? The first one is the “Unique Identifier” (integer type) which is sequentially generated by the system and unique to the list or library (e.g. 13). The other one is the “File Identifier” (string type) which is the “folder + file...

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Mix and Match FetchXML Query with Web API Query Options of CDS Connector in Power Automate

Mix and Match FetchXML Query with Web API Query Options of CDS Connector in Power Automate

Recently, Microsoft has added validation in the Flow Checker to show the following warning message to the users if any of the Select Query, Filter Query or Top Count is not specified in the List records action of the Common Data Service (current environment) connector in Power Automate.  Update action ‘List Records with Fetch Xml Query’ to use a select query, filter query, or…...

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Time Picker in Power Apps Canvas App and Daylight Saving

Time Picker in Power Apps Canvas App and Daylight Saving

Date/Time picker is one of the fundamental controls which is not available in Power Apps canvas app yet. The Power Apps idea of adding “Time” picker on the Date picker control has been under review since 2018 and the idea of Time Picker control has been planned since 2017. For those who are building canvas apps for Dynamics 365 / Common Data Service would get the requirement to… Continue Reading...

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SharePoint Document Upload in Dynamics 365/CDS with Custom Field (Part 3 of 3)

SharePoint Document Upload in Dynamics 365/CDS with Custom Field (Part 3 of 3)

This is the third post in a three-part series of File field as input and SharePoint as storage. You can check out the other posts via these links (Part 1, Part 2) Customising the document upload dialog box for the purpose of adding an additional field to capture the metadata of the uploaded document is a common ask in the community forums. Now in one of my previous blog posts … Continue Reading (Linn Zaw...

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Move Attachment from File Field of CDS to SharePoint in Power Automate (Part 1 of 2)

Move Attachment from File Field of CDS to SharePoint in Power Automate (Part 1 of 2)

This is the first post in a two-part series of File field as input and SharePoint as storage. You can check out the second post via this link.What is a File field and how you can use it Microsoft has added the File and Image datatypes to Common Data Service last year which was only available in canvas apps first, and then was later on made available in the model-driven app with 2020 Release…...

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