Pagination in Power Query (Part 2)

This post is the 4th in a “mini-series” where I’m documenting how I’m working with some different APIs for custom reporting. Today’s post is about ClickUp, an app I use for managing projects, but like post #2 about Harvest, it’s less about ClickUp then it is about iterating over an unknown number of pages of results.

The specific nuance here is ClickUp returns a list every time, it does…

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Pagination in Power Query (Part 2)

This post is the 4th in a “mini-series” where I’m documenting how I’m working with some different APIs for custom reporting. Today’s post is about ClickUp, an app I use for managing projects, but like post #2 about Harvest, it’s less about ClickUp then it is about iterating over an unknown number of pages of results.

Blog Syndicated with Jen Kuntz’s Permission

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Jen Kuntz
Jen Kuntz
Jen is a self-employed Dynamics GP consultant, based in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. She is a Microsoft MVP in Business Applications (since 2016), a GPUG All-Star and a designated accountant (CPA, CGA).

Author: Jen Kuntz

Jen is a self-employed Dynamics GP consultant, based in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. She is a Microsoft MVP in Business Applications (since 2016), a GPUG All-Star and a designated accountant (CPA, CGA).

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