Move Outlook Modules Back to the Bottom of the Outlook App

Microsoft OfficeI got a surprise the other day when starting Outlook and the modules were no longer discreetly placed at the bottom left of the application, but occupying a new bar on the left of the app:

Outlook showing app bar on the left side

I did some hunting around in the Options and eventually took a chance on the Show Apps in Outlook setting on the Advanced tab:

Outlook Options

When saving the options, a restart will be required

Restart required - You must restart this application for the changes to take effect.

Once Outlook restarted,…

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Move Outlook Modules Back to the Bottom of the Outlook App

I got a surprise the other day when starting Outlook and the modules were no longer discreetly placed at the bottom left of the application, but occupying a new bar on the left of the app: I d‎…

Blog Syndicated with Ian Grieve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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