To enable Microsoft Teams in D365, Go to Settings –> Administration –> System Settings –> General Tab and flip the below highlighted options to Yes.
Once done, we’ll be able to see Collaborate button on the ribbon as shown below.
By default it’ll be enabled on several OOB entities as mentioned here:
However, we can also enable it on custom entity programmatically. Below is the screenshot of a custom entity “new_cidproduct” before enabling Teams integration on this entity.
We can use msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus Web API action to enable/disable Teams integration on a specific entity or a set of entities. Here, I have used my favorite Postman for the demo. Below are the request details:
Method: POST
Authorization: Configure the token to be passed along with the request.
Below is the screenshot of the request using Postman.
Once done with building the request, Click on Send.
You will get the JSON response with the name of the entities for which the request passed/failed and the operation requested i.e. enable/disable.
Below is the screenshot of the response using Postman.
After Teams Integration is enabled, we can see that Collaborate button is visible for the custom entity as shown below:
Hope it helps !!
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