[Limitation]PowerAutomate: Unable to use Custom Connector with actions having parameterized GET requests. Error: “Fix Invalid expression(s) for the input parameter(s) of operation ‘ActionName'”.

[Limitation]PowerAutomate: Unable to use Custom Connector with actions having parameterized GET requests. Error: “Fix Invalid expression(s) for the input parameter(s) of operation ‘ActionName'”.

Recently, I was working on creating a custom connector that has got one action which is a GET request and accepts parameters. The purpose was to use this custom connector in Power Automate which could then have been executed on demand or create/update of record. Below is the definition of custom connector: And here’s the request details(Used Import from sample to construct… Continue Reading Ajit Patra’s Article on...

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Dataverse: Create Custom API and Implement using plugin C#

Dataverse: Create Custom API and Implement using plugin C#

In this blog, we’ll see how to create custom API in maker portal and write plugin to implement it. We’ll take the example of refreshing roll up field on demand. This API will take 3 parameters: TargetEntity: Name of the entity containing the roll up fieldTargetId: GUID of the record Field: Name of the roll up field to be refreshed In the plugin we’ll write the code to execute request to… Continue Reading Ajit...

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Microsoft Teams Integration with D365 on custom entity

Microsoft Teams Integration with D365 on custom entity

To enable Microsoft Teams in D365, Go to Settings –> Administration –> System Settings –> General Tab and flip the below highlighted options to Yes. Once done, we’ll be able to see Collaborate button on the ribbon as shown below. By default it’ll be enabled on several OOB entities as mentioned here: Continue Reading Ajit Patra’s Article on their blog Microsoft Teams Integration with D365 on...

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D365: Why my Power Automates are not being triggered

D365: Why my Power Automates are not being triggered

Recently, we copied a production environment to sandbox environment. Then, I was working on a requirement on the sandbox environment for which I created a power automate. The trigger was on create of a record. After creating the power automate, when I tested the functionality, for some reason the power automate was not getting triggered at all. After going through the power automate… Continue Reading Ajit Patra’s Article...

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D365 CE: Error while importing solution “The datafieldname attribute ‘FieldName’ for control is not valid for create”

D365 CE: Error while importing solution “The datafieldname attribute ‘FieldName’ for control is not valid for create”

Recently, while importing a solution to target instance, we got an error saying “The datafieldname attribute sab_disablerecordon for control is not valid for create” and the solution import failed. After investigating this issue, we figured out that in the source environment, the field ” sab_disablerecordon ” was used on Quick create form for that entity. Also, this field is a calculated… Continue Reading...

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Azure Function: Web Deploy cannot modify the file on the Destination because it is locked by an external process

Azure Function: Web Deploy cannot modify the file on the Destination because it is locked by an external process

Recently, while deploying Azure Function from Visual Studio, we got an error “Web Deploy cannot modify the file on the Destination because it is locked by an external process”. To fix this issue, we created an application setting. There are 2 ways to do this: Create an Application Setting in the Function App in Azure portal: MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES = 1 Or, 2. Create… Continue Reading Ajit Patra’s Article...

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D365 CE: Error while activating BPF “An attribute with the specified name already exists. Exception Message: Column names in each table must be unique. Column name ‘stageid’ in table ‘EntityName’ is specified more than once.”

D365 CE: Error while activating BPF “An attribute with the specified name already exists. Exception Message: Column names in each table must be unique. Column name ‘stageid’ in table ‘EntityName’ is specified more than once.”

Recently, while activating a Business Process Flow, we got below error: “An attribute with the specified name already exists. Exception Message: Column names in each table must be unique. Column name ‘stageid’ in table ‘EntityName’ is specified more than once.” While checking the entity metadata for which we had created BPF, we found that Business Process Flows was unchecked. After ticking…...

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D365: Implement Try…Catch…Finally in PowerAutomate

D365: Implement Try…Catch…Finally in PowerAutomate

Recently, we were working on a requirement to send PDF as an attachment in email on click of a custom ribbon button on Lead record. More details here:D365: Generate Word Document using Content Control, save to SharePoint and convert to pdf using PowerAutomateD365: Download SharePoint document, attach to Email using PowerAutomate and Azure FunctionD365: Execute PowerAutomate from Ribbon button… Continue Reading Ajit...

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D365: Execute PowerAutomate from Ribbon button using JS

D365: Execute PowerAutomate from Ribbon button using JS

Recently, we had a requirement to execute PowerAutomate on click of a button on Lead record. In this post, we’ll see how to do that. While creating the PowerAutomate, select the trigger as “When an HTTP request is received” as shown below: We can pass parameter to the PowerAutomate in JSON format. In this example, we’ll pass Lead Record Id. Select method as POST. Just for… Continue Reading Ajit...

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D365: Download SharePoint document, attach to Email using PowerAutomate and Azure Function

D365: Download SharePoint document, attach to Email using PowerAutomate and Azure Function

In this post, we had discussed how to upload document to SharePoint using PowerAutomate. Here, we’ll discuss how to download that document and attach it to an email activity. We’ll extend the same PowerAutomate we were using in the previous post and will also see how to execute HTTP Triggered Azure Function from PowerAutomate. So, let’s get started with Azure Function that takes 3… Continue Reading Ajit...

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