Limit ClickDimensions star rating

The ClickDimensions star rating has by default 10 options .

Here is how you can limit the star rating options only with CSS if you don’t need all options.

Limit star rating

Limit all star ratings in a survey

Paste the following in the code editor of the survey and customize the number of stars you want to have to limit the options all star ratings.

:root {

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Limit ClickDimensions star rating – 365 Cloudy Days

The ClickDimensions star rating has by default 10 options . Here is how you can limit the star rating options only with CSS if you don’t need all options. Paste the following in the code editor of the survey and customize the number of stars you want to have to limit the options all star ratings.

Blog Syndicated with Ben’s Permission

Author: Benjamain John

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