Let's extend D365HR!

This works pretty much the same as movie title translation. You’ve got one in Spanish and a completely different one in English. My latest post about extending D365HR is out in Spanish and you can find it here: ¿Extender? Sí, extender. (anainesurrutia.com). I decided this was a good opportunity to write in English as well. So here you go.

We all know that D365HR is a solution built to…

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Let’s extend D365HR!

This works pretty much the same as movie title translation. You’ve got one in Spanish and a completely different one in English. My latest post about extending D365HR is out in Spanish and you can find it here: ¿Extender? Sí, extender. (anainesurrutia.com). I decided this was a good opportunity to write in English as well.

Blog Syndicated with Ana Inés Urrutia’s Permission

Author: Ana Inés Urrutia

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