Implementing Fastpath’s Audit Trail: Apply templates

FastpathThis post is part of the series on Implementing Fastpath's Audit Trail and is part of the parent Implementing Fastpath's Assure Suite series.

A couple of psots ago I covered the creation of triggers for auditing information. This allows you to create any trigger you want, but can be a somewhat long-winded way of doing things. Fortunately, Fastpath provide a number of templates which you can…

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Implementing Fastpath’s Audit Trail: Apply templates

This post is part of the series on Implementing Fastpath’s Audit Trail and is part of the parent Implementing Fastpath’s Assure Suite series. A couple of psots ago I covered the creation of triggers for auditing information. This allows you to create any trigger you want, but can be a somewhat long-winded way of doing things.

Blog Syndicated with Ian Grieve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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