If Else If Statement | Conditional Statements- Part 18 | C# Tutorial – YouTube

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In this video, you will Learn:
If Else If Statement or Ladder

class Program
static void Main(string[ ] args)
double Percentage;
Console.Write(“please enter your percentage:”);
Percentage = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (Percentage greater than = 90)
Console.WriteLine(“A+ Grade!”);
else if (Percentage greater than = 70) // use angle bracket symbol at the place of greater than
Console.WriteLine(“A Grade!”);
else if (Percentage greater than = 50)
Console.WriteLine(“B Grade!”);
else if (Percentage greater than = 30)
Console.WriteLine(“C Grade!”);
Console.WriteLine(“D Grade!”);

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ C# Essentials https://bit.ly/2CAW6Xw
⌨️ Introduction to C# https://bit.ly/2W1w4pz
⌨️ C# Version History https://bit.ly/2R1JDBB
⌨️ Code Execution https://youtu.be/GezZkd4u51M
⌨️ Installing and Configuring Visual Studio https://youtu.be/__EEHkyjppQ
⌨️ Creating and running a console application https://youtu.be/CgThl6Wn9sE
⌨️ Variables and Data Types https://youtu.be/4o8F_ry_02s
⌨️ Type Casting or Type Conversions https://youtu.be/nKJ0mZ-3ptA
⌨️ Console Application Adding two Numbers https://youtu.be/3cLLr5sj8kw
⌨️ Data Type https://youtu.be/X-4_wzbtaPQ
⌨️ Types of Data Type https://youtu.be/MREkdKmTEJ8
⌨️ Safe Type Casting with IS and AS Operator https://youtu.be/dn_uVYYMEGU
⌨️ Different Types of Operators https://youtu.be/UqbrCalcSJE
⌨️ Operators precedence https://youtu.be/aa02O_neyGs
⌨️ Conditional Statements https://youtu.be/omsBVhEutdA
⌨️ If Statement https://youtu.be/uMMKiSP6NSA
⌨️ if Else Statement https://youtu.be/lv-OKno0SQ4
⌨️ If Else If Statement https://youtu.be/4BGvjNCNBTI
⌨️ Switch statement https://youtu.be/6Gir4UUTCpk

⭐️Online Courses to learn⭐️
Mastering ASP.NET Core with Angular- https://bit.ly/2mpAZjp
Mastering Azure DevOps Solutions- https://bit.ly/2OTbGqM
Mastering ASP.NET MVC with React- https://bit.ly/2s8SfMB
Mastering Microservices with Containers- https://bit.ly/2z9OB9n
Mastering Amazon Web Services (AWS)- https://bit.ly/2CtucPU
Mastering Azure DevOps Solutions- https://bit.ly/2OTbGqM
Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate- https://bit.ly/2AjiLYd
Microsoft Azure Developer Associate Certification-https://bit.ly/2NWBduq
Mastering Angular 2 to 7- https://bit.ly/2Jj0EIx
Mastering MEAN Stack- https://bit.ly/2T1pRYM
Mastering React with Redux- https://bit.ly/2MbQBBw
Mastering React Native: Build Native Mobile Apps Using React- https://bit.ly/2U4Ztxl
Angular2 to 6 Skill Bootcamp: https://bit.ly/2rk00iW
AWS Skill Bootcamp- https://bit.ly/2FHPF8u
Node Skill Bootcamp- https://bit.ly/2T1SBRd
React Skill Bootcamp- https://bit.ly/2ARR2OI

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Author: Sourav Raj

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