Fixed – The latitude or longitude for the User record associated with this resource is invalid – Dynamics 365 Field Service /Dataverse

While trying to set the Start Location / End location to the Resource Address for Bookable Resource, we might get the below error Exception Message: The latitude or longitude for the User record associated with this resource is invalid. Please provide a valid latitude and longitude and then set the start and end location for … Continue reading “Fixed – The latitude or longitude for the User…

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Fixed – The latitude or longitude for the User record associated with this resource is invalid – Dynamics 365 Field Service /Dataverse

While trying to set the Start Location / End location to the Resource Address for Bookable Resource, we might get the below error Exception Message: The latitude or longitude for the User record associated with this resource is invalid. Please provide a valid latitude and longitude and then set the start and end location for…

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Nishant Rana

Author: Nishant Rana

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