Excel Snippets: Formula to Calculate Monthly Value of a Mortgage with Monthly Interest

MicrosoftI might not post many Excel snippets, but I’m collecting them into a small Excel Snippets series to make them easy to find.

I’ve been using this formula for quite a while now, but have to admit that I did not create it and no longer remember from where I got it.

The basic use is that you would have the starting amount in cell C2 and then use this formula in the next cell down and replicate…

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Excel Snippets: Formula to Calculate Monthly Value of a Mortgage with Monthly Interest

I might not post many Excel snippets, but I’m collecting them into a small Excel Snippets series to make them easy to find. I’ve been using this formula for quite a while now, but have to admit that I did not create it and no longer remember from where I got it.

Blog Syndicated with azurecurve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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