Error in Dynamics 365 CE Workflow – The entity referenced by this process includes a currency value that does not exist in your organization

Arun PottiDyn365CE3 years ago9 Views

The entity referenced by this process includes a currency value that does not exist in your organization. Select a different currency and try again.

After a research found that, the Currency value, whatever is there in Source Environment is not available in Target Environment.

In my case, placed Currency field on the Email form to verify this issue.

Solution is either, we can import the existing Currency values with the same Guids from Source to the Target and reimport the Workflow solution.


If it is a Unmanaged solution, Edit the existing workflow in the Target Environment and place Currency field on the required entity and update the available currency value in the Target environment. Later, Remove the Currency field from the required entity form.

Save and Activate the workflow, would resolve this issue.

Hope you have successfully resolved this issue, with the solutions provided.

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