Episode 43: User Adoption Magnets

There are several features in Dynamics 365 that can strongly increase User Adoption when they are set up and used correctly.

I’ve put a list of 10 User Adoption Magnets and I discuss why I believe these can be the difference between an Effective and an Ineffective Solution.

Some of these magnets are features we’ve had for 10+ years but no one seems to pay attention to them!

Let me explain.

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CRM MVP Podcast: Episode 43: User Adoption Magnets

There are several features in Dynamics 365 that can strongly increase User Adoption when they are set up and used correctly. I’ve put a list of 10 User Adoption Magnets and I discuss why I believe these can be the difference between an Effective and an Ineffective Solution.

Blog Syndicated with Gus Gonzalez’s Permission

Author: Gus Gonzalez

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