In this blog we will demonstrate the working of HTTP Request-Response in Microsoft Flows. as we all know MS Flow is configurable and it runs on No-code/low code concept.
In our example, we will make a GET call from our Microsoft Flow and we will see how to parse response JSON so that we can further apply some logic in Flows like create, update or delete records based on the response.
Let’s start it step by step.
1. Create flow, Navigate to setting and Microsoft flow.
2. Click + New and create Automated blank flow.
3. Provide appropriate name and select triggering point of your MS Flow, and click on Create.
In my case, Flow name is “Call HTTP Method” (You can give any name).
And Flow will trigger on entity record creation in MS Dynamics CRM.
4. Once you created flow, specify Dynamics CRM Environment, Entity name on which you want to trigger this flow and Scope will be based on your requirement, in my case, I am keeping it as Organization as I wanted to run this for the whole organization.
5. Now click on New Step and search for HTTP action, it will display multiple options, to know more info about each action, just click on More Info icon.
In my case I am using HTTP action.
6. Once you select an HTTP request, the below screen will get visible and you have to provide appropriate information as per your requirements.
In my case, I am calling GET HTTP request in this I am passing HTTP function Key for authorization and also passing Article number value dynamically.
7. Next we need to parse the response JSON using the Parse component, in this action we need to provide an expected response in JSON format, it will auto create JSON schema as below.
8. once we parse the JSON, we can use it to update records or we can do any operation as per requirements,
In my case, I am using update record action to populate fields value in entity record.
9. Here again we have to specify the environment and entity with a unique identifier which is nothing but the primary key of the entity.
10. Then just mapped the output response to dynamics fields as below,
11. Now go ahead and trigger you MS flow and TEST it,
In my case, I can see FLOW output as below, it ran successfully and update Article details in CRM Entity.
12. In CRM you will able to see a record with updated values as below,
Happy No coding/Low coding