One of the most underused tools in Dynamics and CDS development teams the myriad of those available is the Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell library by the ever helpful Sean McNellis. If you have to perform repetitive tasks then there is nothing easier but with the unfamiliar nature of PowerShell for those of us that write C# or JavaScript on a daily basis, it’s often avoided.
This post is a call to action – consider it as an option for the following reasons:
Recently I needed to add a load of entities to a solution which can be quite cumbersome using the classic solution UI and the PowerApps solution manager doesn’t allow you to add entities without their sub-components yet – PowerShell to the rescue.
# Shows how to add entities to a solution Set-ExecutionPolicy –ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned –Scope CurrentUser Install-Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell -Scope CurrentUser Import-Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell $conn = Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery -InteractiveMode Function Add-SolutionComponent { param ( [string]$solutionuniquename, [Int32]$componenttype, [Guid]$componentid ) # See $addrequest = new-object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.AddSolutionComponentRequest $addrequest.AddRequiredComponents = 0 $addrequest.ComponentType = $componenttype #1=Entity $addrequest.DoNotIncludeSubcomponents = 1 $addrequest.ComponentId = $componentid $addrequest.SolutionUniqueName = $solutionuniquename $response= $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($addrequest) } Function Add-EntitiesToSolution { param ( [string]$solutionuniquename, [string[]]$addentities ) Write-Host "Checking that solution exists '$solutionuniquename'" $solution = Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName solution -FilterAttribute uniquename -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue $solutionuniquename -Fields solutionid $solutionid = $solution.CrmRecords[0].solutionid Write-Host "Querying metdata to get entity id" $entities = Get-CrmEntityAllMetadata -conn $conn -EntityFilters Entity -OnlyPublished $false # Filter by the entities to add foreach($entity in $entities | ? {$_.LogicalName -in $addentities}) { $logicalName = $entity.LogicalName $count = (Get-CrmRecordsCount -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName $logicalName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) Write-Host "Adding $logicalName" Add-SolutionComponent -solutionuniquename $solutionuniquename -componenttype 1 -componentid $entity.MetadataId } } # Add lead, account and contact to the solution TestSolution Add-EntitiesToSolution -solutionuniquename "TestSolution" -addentities "lead","account","contact"
So there you have it! I’ve picked this scenario because it shows some common things you’ll need to use regularly:
foreach($entity in $entities | ? {$_.LogicalName -in $addentities})
So there you have it. Hopefully, you’ll consider using PowerShell if you’ve not already!
You can find lots more samples on Sean’s git hub samples repo.
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