While importing a patch (unmanaged) solution we got the below error – “Solution ‘abc_Configuration’ failed to import: Solution manifest import: FAILURE: Solution patch with version already exists. Updating patch
While importing a patch (unmanaged) solution we got the below error – “Solution ‘abc_Configuration’ failed to import: Solution manifest import: FAILURE: Solution patch with version already exists. Updating patch
“Working hard is great, but working smart means you get to leave the office before your coffee gets cold.” Imagine you’re running a top-tier consultancy firm, juggling multiple client locations,
La sostenibilidad se ha convertido en un pilar clave para las empresas que buscan no solo cumplir con regulaciones ambientales, sino también mejorar su eficiencia operativa. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business
To stand out in today’s busy market, businesses need to communicate with customers in a personal and meaningful way. Using the right app makes it easier to send targeted messages