Loan items Loan items Before you can register loaned equipment to workers you have to set up loan types and loan items. First you set up loan types, which is
Loan items Loan items Before you can register loaned equipment to workers you have to set up loan types and loan items. First you set up loan types, which is
You are creating a new job in Talent, but what should you set up before you set up the job? You can create the job without creating many of these
Let’s go… Some weeks ago, the release pipeline extension for #MSDyn365FO was published in Azure DevOps Marketplace, taking us closer to the continuous integration scenario. While we wait for the
27. – 29. March you will find me at the User Group Summit in Amsterdam – I’m spreading the good word about Dynamics 365 for Talent with my presentation: How
To use personnel actions you first need to activate worker and or positions actions in the human resources shared parameters -> personnel actions. Human resources shared parameters personnel actions When