This is a continuation of my earlier blog on the same topic. (link). Here are the remaining of the 10 things to consider when managing Enterprise Apps like Microsoft Dynamics
This is a continuation of my earlier blog on the same topic. (link). Here are the remaining of the 10 things to consider when managing Enterprise Apps like Microsoft Dynamics
A few weeks ago I saw a message in the M365 Message Center regarding “Non-compliant” flows. Unfortunately, I can’t find the message any longer, but it was pretty concerning because
How ActivityPub can make blog posts visible on the modern, decentralized social web. Reflecting on my 15 years of blogging and how the technology around it has evolved. Continue reading
GeoDataTek’s Read-Write Functionality Bundle on Pimcore Product Experience Portal (PXP) Original Post
As I described in one of my previous posts (Explaining “One Version” – Dynamics MDA) Microsoft is releasing two “Waves” of new functionalities and improvements per year. Today, 2023-07-18, Microsoft has