Step1: Step2: Step3: Resource is the CRM url Step4: Body: Step5: Step6: new_Test_Action is the Action name In the Body we need to pass input parameter of an Action “InputParameter_name”:”Value” Happy coding!!!!
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Call an action from Logic Apps
Step1: client-Id Step2: ClientSecret Step3: Resource is the CRM url Step4: Body: concat(‘grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=’,variables(‘clientId’),’&client_secret=’,variables(‘Clientsecret’),’&resource=’,variables(‘resource’)) Step5: { “properties”: { “access_token”: { “type”: “string” } }, “type”: “object” } Step6: new_Test_Action is the Action name In the Body we need to pass input parameter of an Action “InputParameter_name”:”Value” Happy coding!!!!
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