Azure Logic Apps: retrieving the exception details of an action group in a flow

In Azure Logic Apps (and in Power Automate too) to execute actions only if another group of actions succeed or fail, you can group those actions inside a scope. This structure is useful when you want to organize actions as a logical group, evaluate that group’s status and perform actions that are based on the scope’s status. After all the actions in a scope finish running, the scope also gets…

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Azure Logic Apps: retrieving the exception details of an action group in a flow

In Azure Logic Apps (and in Power Automate too) to execute actions only if another group of actions succeed or fail, you can group those actions inside a scope. This structure is useful when you want to organize actions as a logical group, evaluate that group’s status and perform actions that are based on the scope’s…

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Stefano Demiliani

Author: Stefano Demiliani

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