We might get this error while trying to update one of the records. Exception Message: EntityState must be set to null, Created (for Create message) or Changed (for Update message).
Java Exception Handling Welcome to our in-depth tutorial on Java Exception Handling! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Java developer, understanding how to handle exceptions effectively is crucial for
Recently for one of our plugins, that moves attachments to the Azure Blob Storage, we got the below exception. BlobFileName: WFU000069107_Inside Install – CFC__2024_03_03_12_24_05_179_temp.jpgCaught Exception: The input is not a
We can make use SuppressDuplicateDetection optional parameter of the Request if we want the configured duplicate detection rules to run and throw an exception while creating or updating the record.
We were getting this error in the submission of one of our outbound Marketing forms. Activity id: e1ede147-efb6-457d-bc19-826c6176a2e4, Request id: jH7xRiEzGFTdZQTbE2fkh9_Z_WtjumCqJERuYZbGSL0_0, Exception: Entity ‘Contact’ With Id = 896b960d-c5d7-4c4d-95c7-a9e226afbf8e Does Not