C# 7.0 now allows using underscore _ to be used a digit separator. This adds more readability. Similarly, we now have Binary Literals, so instead of specifying hexadecimal pattern we
C# 7.0 now allows using underscore _ to be used a digit separator. This adds more readability. Similarly, we now have Binary Literals, so instead of specifying hexadecimal pattern we
Out Parameters must need to declared before they are used in the method which doesn’t seem intuitive. Now with C# 7.0 we can now make use of Out variable. Here
Tuple are used when we need to get more than one value returned from the method. C# 7.0 introduces Tuple Types and Tuple Literals to Tuples We need to add
C# 7.0 adds a new feature called local functions. Local functions allow us to define function within a function. It can be used to write helper methods that we need
Let us continue with our previous posts on understanding and implementing a simple bot that interact with Dynamics CRM using Microsoft Bot Framework Till now we had hard coded our