Helping Me – Helping You

Helping Me – Helping You

Starting up a business? Nope. Well, I have my own small company – we all have one, of course, mostly for fun, and it is clearly dormant. Don’t you have one? My created tools are free, but definitely not just for fun! A chat in Slovenia A month ago, I was in Slovenia for the Dynamics Minds conference and met some old good friends from too far away, who actually traveled to… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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Scary, dangerous, creepy tools 😱😬

Scary, dangerous, creepy tools 😱😬

…am I hacking your system? There are a bunch of completely awesome and can’t-live-without tools. Most are created by the community, like me. These tools can break your system. Completely. “Are these tools even legal??” Too often, I’ve heard CTOs and others say that these tools should be stopped! Either by thoroughly educating all users not to use them or simply by blocking these… Continue Reading...

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Tools can always be improved

Tools can always be improved

While working on the next release, I realized I had to make this tool look better, nicer, and cleaner. I was working to add a few new features, so why take on the extra work to deliver a tiny new interface? Because I can. And we all know: UI + UX = AO Where we came from There are a few points in this main window that have made me sleep badly for years. Those red marks… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog...

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FetchXML improve for us to achieve more

FetchXML improve for us to achieve more

I got a challenge from my colleague at CRMK: I need to set owners on accounts with a team with the same name as the account. Mia @ CRMK Is that even possible??Yes, it actually is. Simplest query I start with a very simple query to get all Accounts: <fetch> <entity name='account'> <attribute name='name' /> <attribute name='ownerid' /> </entity> </fetch> New…...

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Follow Microsoft to trigger plugins by Bulk Operations

Follow Microsoft to trigger plugins by Bulk Operations

Microsoft has recently urged us to move all our plugin steps from messages: Create, Update, Delete to instead use: CreateMultiple, UpdateMultiple, and DeleteMultiple. I like that.I like that a lot You may have read about it and just said, “OK, thanks, but that’s not relevant to us; see you never.” You’re wrong.I will help you understand why you actually need it, and I’ll try to… Continue Reading...

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More work ➡️ More features

More work ➡️ More features

During the last few months, I’ve been working more than ever (well, most after my little stroke issue three years ago), and more work apparently creates more needs, more features, more improvement – just more! A few new features, a lot of improvements Why do I create new features and maybe a brand-new tool?90% of those times because I simply need it. When I’m working for customers,… Continue Reading Jonas...

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Missing XrmToolBox.PluginsStore – read and fix it here!

Missing XrmToolBox.PluginsStore – read and fix it here!

After some excellent updates to XrmToolBox, a few things have moved around in the backend code, which means some existing tools break down hard. If you get an error message similar to this anywhere in XrmToolBox: Fix it like this Download either of these links, whatever works for you: XrmToolBox.PluginsStore.dll (unpack the DLL) Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog Missing...

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ALM a la Rapp – Evolve Power Platform delivery

ALM a la Rapp – Evolve Power Platform delivery

What is ALM? As always, it’s an acronym. ALM means Application Lifecycle Management and many texts about ALM are available; white papers, articles, blogs, how-tos… But in my subjective it means: Keep track of everything we need.Don’t track things we can generate.Generate everything automagically. /Mr. Rapp What is ALM for the general population in the Power Platform area? You… Continue Reading Jonas...

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FXB + EBG + code = ❤??

FXB + EBG + code = ❤??

I released a new flavor of the existing feature Generate code for QueryExpression in FetchXML Builder for XrmToolBox! The “flavor” is to generate code, using the Early Bound codes. Especially from Daryl LaBar’s tool Early Bound Generator. Mini demo of Generate QueryExpression with flavor from Early Bound Generator for XrmToolBox. So why did I add this new flavor? I’m a kinda… Continue Reading Jonas...

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Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens

Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens

Why mixing two very different but very similar features?I hope you will see it, if you read on… What’s a Token? I don’t really know why… but it’s a word, a special word, representing other words… where the word is a data word, will be replaced with words from the actual data, as it is actually used. I think. Ok, I started this post in the wrong way, since I can hardly explain it…. Continue...

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Layouts in FetchXML Builder

Layouts in FetchXML Builder

This is a new feature. A brand new fancy feature. This tool is now going from two dimensions to three dimensions. As always, we can work with the query and see the data. From now on – work also with the layouts to get nice designs. How do we show the data in the Model Driven Apps? Keep on reading… Don’t like to read? See my simple tutorial video instead! Available from version… Continue Reading Jonas...

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Layouts feature in FetchXML Builder – YouTube

Layouts feature in FetchXML Builder – YouTube

This is a brief intro to the Layouts feature in the FetchXML Builder tool in XrmToolBox. Read more at (soon released) source

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Min resa tillbaka – efter 15 månader (Swedish) – YouTube

Min resa tillbaka – efter 15 månader (Swedish) – YouTube

In May 2022 I talked about me. As always, about me myself and I. This time I talked in Swedish. Sorry about that. Read more about me: I was talking at Alma Folkhögskolan: 0:00 Welcome 1:18 Intro 5:33 Stroke 12:12 Post-stroke 19:58 Aphasia 34:00 Work 47:00 May the 4th be with me 51:48 How do I feel? 1:05:40 Closure...

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New Release – Bulk Data Updater 1.2022.8

New Release – Bulk Data Updater 1.2022.8

This tool’s release makes it go from “a simple tool”to a truly “reusable work gadget”.Why? Read on… Read from the Bulk Data Updater Release Notes: Open and Save all options Two tiny new buttons – great features though! You can now save all options to reuse them later or give them to colleagues. These things are stored: The FetchXML – which records… Continue...

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A few requests for Environment Variables

A few requests for Environment Variables

It’s a small thing, a very fringe feature, and these improved features requests are only for me… or… crucial for everyone…? The Environment Variables feature became officially released a year ago, probably when I was “off the grid” last year. I sort of missed that… but it’s here now anyway. It’s like system settings, and is now supported by the core Power Platform. We don’t...

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Know the Dataverse, Solution, and Publisher

Know the Dataverse, Solution, and Publisher

Why are Solutions a new feature in FetchXML Builder? Solutions have nothing to do when we’re working with queries, right?So why is this the best feature I have released this last year, or longer? I know, the subject seems like a crazy big blog……anyway, go on and see why you should know it! Release Notes: Solutions Filter Release (and more) 1.2022.5 < h2>Know the… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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New Release – Bulk Data Updater 1.2022.4

New Release – Bulk Data Updater 1.2022.4

This release has only a few new additions.But I really love these new features! Read from the Bulk Data Updater Release Notes: Calculate [almost] all types The Calculate feature was quite nice but very limited as you could only use it for the target of text-type columns. This is now improved! Example: calculate to set lookup columns. See the docs… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog...

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FetchXML Builder from Zero to Hero – YouTube

FetchXML Builder from Zero to Hero – YouTube

On Thursday 7. April I will give a session at See you there! source

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Archaeology – Finding CRM SDK History

Archaeology – Finding CRM SDK History

When I have just created a new feature in my tools – I get a few error reports. Every time.Why is that? Mostly because users have an older version of Dataverse (or XRM/CRM).This is why I add updates, fixing one problem after another. Finding them the hard way. I tried a few times – no, many times – to look for the information I need: Dataverse Metadata Properties History I use… Continue Reading Jonas...

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Jonas 2022-02-26 – Year 2, Day 10 – YouTube

Jonas 2022-02-26 – Year 2, Day 10 – YouTube

My journal from a bit raw recording – this is me, in my ten days of my second year in the new life. Join me! Stroke // Jonas Rapp // I know pre-stroke. I will improve who I was. See also my techy site: I know my pre-stroke.Today I work with who I am.Tomorrow I work with who I was. Latest // all My Documents See all Documents My Writes See all Writes My Journals See all Journals My Teasers See all...

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Jonas 2022-02-17 – Day 1, Year 2 – YouTube

Jonas 2022-02-17 – Day 1, Year 2 – YouTube

My journal from a bit raw recording – this is me, in my first day of my second year in the new life. Join me! See: source

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Jonas 365 – I died a bit, one year ago – YouTube

Jonas 365 – I died a bit, one year ago – YouTube

Stroke // Jonas Rapp // I died a bit, one year ago I have had two gigantic events in my life. Both events were so huge, so scary, so terrifying, so horrifying, so true shit-to-my-heart-and-brain into my soul.After these two life-changing events, my soul was shivering for a week, or maybe for fifty-two weeks. But… Day Zero to Day 365. I have had a gigantic event; the stroke changed my life. What has happened in a short forever...

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Jonas 365 Teaser day before – YouTube

Jonas 365 Teaser day before – YouTube

The day before one year. See it at source

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A Bumpy Release to Awesome New Features

A Bumpy Release to Awesome New Features

When I create new cool features, and release from my hip – then you get some bugs. #sorry So I have released a few new update versions recently. You should update. Again. #oops But I like to give you the new cools as soon as possible. Sometimes – too soon. #foryou I got a few bugs on GitHub – with great info from you all to find the bugs. #fixbugs Thank you all who submit… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s...

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Jonas Rapp – 7 January 2022 – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – 7 January 2022 – YouTube

Welcome to 2022! I keep working – with me, myself, and I! source

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Power Apps Studio and GitHub ?

Power Apps Studio and GitHub ?

During the Christmas holiday, I used my time off to explore the integration between Power Apps and GitHub. I started to explore this new feature because I wanted to see changes to the code. I mean real code. There is no way to easily see the code… Well, Power Apps is a no/low-code as we know, so I also know we should not want to see code… But I do. I have to. Working with Power… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s...

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Protected: new blog coming soon…

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: The post Protected: new blog coming soon… appeared first on The Power Platform Trenches. Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog new blog coming soon… ⋆ The Power Platform Trenches Working with Power Apps Canvas is really nice, but I need code. The harsh raw code. Raw code makes my heart pump. Being able to read the...

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Jonas skiing in Hemavan – YouTube

Jonas skiing in Hemavan – YouTube

Three days before my stroke. source

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FXB & FXE are 7 years old ?‍❤️‍?‍?

FXB & FXE are 7 years old ?‍❤️‍?‍?

I just read a LinkedIn post from Jordi Montaña Vázquez about his excellence test tools FakeXrmEasy. On 23 November the tool was 7 years anniversary! Hey, something from “FXE” remines me about “FXB“, and didn’t I release FetchXML Builder about some time 2014, and probably roughly just 7 years ago? How old? Of course I start check the History for FetchXML… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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Updated Canary

Updated Canary

The CanaryTracer with some easy used is really simple to use it, test it, learn it, and just enjoy the Canary in the Dataverse! It has been update to 9.2 version of the Dataverse, and using the solution can now be imported to “vanilla” environments, without any Sales apps or Custom Service apps etc. Try it to help so easily get trace of any messages: Read more: A… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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PowerPoint – Animation and Transition – YouTube

PowerPoint – Animation and Transition – YouTube

This is all I need. Simple moving of the bullets and slides. See at full site: source

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PowerPoint – Focus one only bullet – YouTube

PowerPoint – Focus one only bullet – YouTube

How to keep your listeners know what you are talking about. Add “Fade” animation Add “Dim” when move on Copy animation to second block See at full site: source

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Dataverse Metadata in FetchXML Builder

Dataverse Metadata in FetchXML Builder

I like smart tools.I like smart code.I don’t like smart tools and cool code – if I have to write it again. One of the best XrmToolBox tools is the Metadata Browser – at least for me I wanted to add some metadata details for FetchXML Builder, but it was too stupid to write my own code to generate a metadata detail – again! These “module” is what I want! They are great in Metadata… Continue...

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FetchXML Intellisense

FetchXML Intellisense

This is a guest writer for the site!He is writing about the intellisense feature in the FetchXML Builder tool.Who should write about this – other than Mark Carrington who add the feature to the tool! Mark Carrington: FetchXML Builder has always supported users to build queries in a visual way – with the Query Builder pane you can add columns, relationships, sort orders and more… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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New Tool – XRM Tokens Runner

New Tool – XRM Tokens Runner

XrmToolBox just got their 13’s tool from me! See documentation for the tool. The Code It is a brand-new tool, for really-old code feature. The “code” is now called the XRM Tokens and the info is here and the code is open source found here. It is used in many different ways, in old workflows, plugins, Word-generating, etc, to create advanced “texts” with dynamic data from the… Continue Reading Jonas...

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I’m Speaking Again

I’m Speaking Again

After 8 months of Stroke. After 2 years of Covid. I Will Be Talking Again. At the big technical conference on October 16 in south England, I will be there. And I will speak. The South Coast Summit will be the first after Covid for Microsoft techy conference in England. Or Europe. Or the World. Or even Universe. I’m used to be at those sessions,… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog I’m Speaking...

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 7: Chat with Heidi, 11 years after stroke – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 7: Chat with Heidi, 11 years after stroke – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 7: We have a chat with Jonas Rapp and Heidi Neuhauser. Heidi got her stroke at 29 years old, and Jonas got it half year ago. We talk about our problems we have had and which we still have. Read more: Meet Heidi from: Twitter: LinkedIn: source

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 6: Aphasia fixing it – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 6: Aphasia fixing it – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 6: * Aphasia fixing it * School / Rehab * What I need * Names is harder * Don’t be quiet Read more: source

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – preview 6 – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – preview 6 – YouTube

Part 6 preview. source

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NEW: Bulk Data Updater ?

NEW: Bulk Data Updater ?

It is crazy!I have now releaseda new version of my tool. Bulk Data Updater (and Assign, SetState and Delete of course) got the improved: Choices Update one, many, or all record or Choices column with one or many choices, or touch the existing data, or remove the datas. Remember that Choices means “an option where you can select many options to one record”. Set… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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Enjoy coffee – YouTube

Enjoy coffee – YouTube

My hand right on 2021-07-18. See the web with more info: source

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Jonas Rapp – Read the Techy Techs – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – Read the Techy Techs – YouTube

Listening to same of the all techy words that I known before, and I’m guessed that I still know them. There is aphasia in me, saying the words I know for many of years make it hard. This is me trying for the first time – and read it to you. source

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Jonas Rapp – 4 July 2021 – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – 4 July 2021 – YouTube

4 July 2021 This is a good week! source

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Jonas Rapp – 24 June 2021 – promise – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – 24 June 2021 – promise – YouTube

24 June 2021 Mom happy birthday ? 5 weeks vacation I promise ? source

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Jonas Rapp – 24 June 2021 teaser – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – 24 June 2021 teaser – YouTube

Teaser…! See full video:...

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 5: My Challenges – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 5: My Challenges – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 5: * My Challenges * I’m still Jonas * Aphasia shall be fixed * Very lucky guy * Brain Windows source

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Jonas Rapp – 16 June 2021 – journal – YouTube
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Jonas Rapp STROKE – preview 5 MVP – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – preview 5 MVP – YouTube

MVP Preview 5 of stroke. Stay tune for my complete report. Or not complete… ©️Jonas Rapp source

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 4: Me Worlds Friends – MVP – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 4: Me Worlds Friends – MVP – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 4: * My Worlds Friends * MVP Heroes * I Talk. Talk and talk. * Avd.84 – Start work. * Exercise from home source

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Stroke of Jonas – pause of normal MVP

Stroke of Jonas – pause of normal MVP

February 16, 2021, I Jonas Rapp survived after a very serious stroke that hit me. <pause> This is why I have “paused” the usual as blog, create new tools for you, and of course improving existing tools, like FetchXML Builder which is still used 4000 times every day in the whole world, and not “being the MVP” as I usually tried to do. < figcaption>FetchXML Builder, used on… Continue Reading Jonas...

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