Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 3: My White Light – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 3: My White Light – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 3: * My White Light * Winning & Working * Explained STROKE * Brain void area * New Synapses * Worried source

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 2: My New Life – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 2: My New Life – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 2: * Where am I * The phone * Meet my wife * Body & Brain * Fix it source

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Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 1: I got stroke – YouTube

Jonas Rapp STROKE – Part 1: I got stroke – YouTube

Jonas Rapp – STROKE This episode Part 1 where I talk before the stroke, until the time of now change my life. Also my sister Åsa will be discussed what’s happening on day 16 February. Part 2: I New Life source

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Stroke 3 months – preview 4 – YouTube

Stroke 3 months – preview 4 – YouTube

Challenge is what you need. Preview 4 of stroke. Stay tune for my complete report. Or not complete… ©️Jonas Rapp source

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Stroke 3 months – preview 3 – YouTube

Stroke 3 months – preview 3 – YouTube

It’s white. Preview 3 of stroke. Stay tune for my complete report. Or not complete… ©️Jonas Rapp source

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Stroke 3 months – preview 2 – YouTube

Stroke 3 months – preview 2 – YouTube

That was it. source

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Stroke 3 months – preview 1 – YouTube

Stroke 3 months – preview 1 – YouTube

Preview of stroke. Stay tune for my complete report. Or not complete… ©️Jonas Rapp source

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New Tool: Portal Entity Permission Manager

New Tool: Portal Entity Permission Manager

Working with Entity Permissions for Power Apps Portals is not always as smooth as you might want it to be. This new tool lets you visually see and work with the different types of permissions and their hierarchies, and makes it easier to get it right the first time. To get started with this XrmToolBox tool, there is a short video tutorial available <div style=”height:46px”...

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Portal Entity Permission Manager – YouTube

Portal Entity Permission Manager – YouTube

An introduction to Power Apps Portals Entity Permission Manager for XrmToolBox. source

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Use Power Automate to maintain Top Parent Account in account hierarchies

Use Power Automate to maintain Top Parent Account in account hierarchies

Using account hierarchies in Microsoft Dataverse (XRM, you know) is super easy with the out of the box Parent Account fishhook relationship.This article will demonstrate how to maintain information about the Top Parent Account on all accounts, using a single Power Automate cloud flow. Parent Account The out of the box relationship allows to recursively define a Parent Account… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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XrmToolBox Integration Tester

XrmToolBox Integration Tester

The XrmToolBox Integration Tester tool primarily helps tool developers validate any integration scenarios where other tools call their own tools. Just select the tool to call, and enter any arguments. Although the TargetArgument property passed between tools is accepting any object, this tool focuses on plain string arguments passed between the tools. Other tools can call… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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Bulk Data Updater documentation

Bulk Data Updater documentation

Documentation is finally available for Bulk Data Updater for XrmToolBox! Read all about it here: Bulk Data Updater for Microsoft Dataverse The post Bulk Data Updater documentation appeared first on The Power Platform Trenches. Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog Bulk Data Updater documentation ⋆ The Power Platform Trenches The Bulk Data Updater for Microsoft Dataverse and the Power Platform is a tool in the...

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Themes in Power Apps maker portal

Themes in Power Apps maker portal

Vote now Make respect environment theme When Microsoft introduced Themes in Microsoft Dynamics 365, they moved away from the old Ford approach: Any customer can have a CRM paintedany color that he wants, so long as it is black.Microsoft Dynamics CRM branding department before themes It was now possible to specify custom color schemes and even your own logo. <img...

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Custom Translations – the Easy Way

Custom Translations – the Easy Way

In many customer projects and products, I have built solutions for managing translations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CDS / CRM.Sure, the metadata can be translated to show labels etc in the language of the user, but having a custom solution for translations ensures localized content for texts that are shown to the user from code or automation. A simple model storing Translations in… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on...

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A Pro Code Escape in Power Automate

A Pro Code Escape in Power Automate

Microsoft Power Automate is a fantastic platform when it comes to low-code automation, with connectors to literally hundreds of data sources.But what if you need to do something too complex for the existing flow actions?Take the Pro Code Escape with the Common Data Service. In the true spirit of the #ProCodeNoCodeUnite movement, the Power Automate and Common Data Service… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog...

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Personal Branding according to Jonas Rapp – YouTube

Personal Branding according to Jonas Rapp – YouTube

What is a Personal Brand? I got that question from fellow Microsoft MVP Megan Walker, along with ten more questions detailing how I see the concept of Personal Branding. In this video I give my eleven answers. Some of them may also be seen in Megan’s video series on the topic, which is available here: Follow Megan: ? Website: ?...

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Personal Branding according to Jonas

Personal Branding according to Jonas

Microsoft MVP Megan Walker recently reached out to fellow MVPs to get their views and experiences around Personal Branding. She had eleven questions on the topic, and of course I wanted to give her and the world my thoughts. The questions we got from Megan What does Personal Brand mean to you?Do you think you have a personal brand?Did you intentionally set out to create a… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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CDS Saturday – October 24

CDS Saturday – October 24

Welcome to Dataflex CDS Saturday @ Stockholm Online! The Times They Are A-Changin’– Bob Dylan Indeed old Bob was right. We are not hosting a Nordic Summit in Stockholm this year. We are not rebranding all our content to Dataflex. But we ARE hosting a CDS Saturday online on October 24, 2020! Call For Papers: Registration: Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog CDS...

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FetchXML Builder July 2020 Release

FetchXML Builder July 2020 Release

With the July 2020 release of FetchXML Builder for XrmToolBox the new Column Comparison feature of the FetchXML language is supported. Read more about all new features and fixes below. New Features Column Comparison This feature of FetchXML got a lot of buzz from the community when it was announced by Microsoft on 2020-07-14. Thanks to contributions from fellow tool… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog...

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New website launched:

New website launched:

Any tool worth its salt deserves a dedicated website. Six years after initial release, FetchXML Builder for XrmToolBox finally has its own home on the Internet. Under the domain you will find feature descriptions, tips, how-tos, and a forum dedicated to questions and ideas around FetchXML Builder. Of course there are also instructions on how to become an official… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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WordPress Header Anchor Links – YouTube

WordPress Header Anchor Links – YouTube

Step by step instruction on how to easily add anchor links to headers in WordPress pages and posts. source

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Querying date intervals in the Common Data Service

Querying date intervals in the Common Data Service

Querying date intervals in Microsoft Common Data Service, Power Apps and Dynamics 365 is not always possible using Advanced Find nor is it as easy as working with plain SQL. TL;DR – with FetchXML this is quite possible! Have you ever wanted to tell your CRM (CDS, D365 etc.) things like: Show me all opportunities with Estimated Close Date exactly 90 days from now! Well, today a… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 3 – Including the shared project and committing the changes – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 3 – Including the shared project and committing the changes – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 2 – Adding the submodule to my solution – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 2 – Adding the submodule to my solution – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 5 – Improving the submodule shared project – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 5 – Improving the submodule shared project – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 8 – Reference latest version of submodule repository – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 8 – Reference latest version of submodule repository – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 1 – My project and the helper repository – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 1 – My project and the helper repository – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 7 – Updating submodule the wrong way – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 7 – Updating submodule the wrong way – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 … source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 6 – Committing submodule file changes – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 6 – Committing submodule file changes – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 4 – Consuming the goodies of the submodule shared project – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 4 – Consuming the goodies of the submodule shared project – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 9 – Tracking changes in remote repository – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio part 9 – Tracking changes in remote repository – YouTube

This video is part of a series describing how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio – YouTube

Git Submodules in Visual Studio – YouTube

This video describes how to use git submodules for a C# Visual Studio project, the example focused on a plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service, but the principles displayed are of course relevant to other project and repository types. Full article available at: source

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio

Git Submodules in Visual Studio

Ever since I started working with development, I have both created and consumed libraries, frameworks, utilities and snippets to simplify and streamline my code. The methods to include this code have varied a lot; from simply copy-pasting code to linked files to private NuGet servers with build automation, full CI/CD etc. Lately I have started working with Git Submodules, and I struggled a… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s...

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Conditional Unique Auto Number Sequences in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM

Conditional Unique Auto Number Sequences in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM

A common request for Auto Numbers in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CDS/CRM) is to have one number field with different formats and unique sequences based on data on the record or it’s parents.I call this “Conditional Unique Auto Number Sequences”. Click image to see original post. In a previous article I demonstrated one way of including dynamic information in a numbered attribute using a… Continue Reading Jonas...

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NEW Release: UML Diagram Generator

NEW Release: UML Diagram Generator

Read all about the UML Diagram Generator tool that generates PlantUML files from your Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Common Data Service metadata: The post NEW Release: UML Diagram Generator appeared first on The Dynamics 365 Trenches. Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog NEW Release: UML Diagram Generator ⋆ The Dynamics 365 Trenches The UML Diagram Generator for XrmToolBox is a new tool that generates...

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NEW Release: Power Apps Checker for XrmToolBox

NEW Release: Power Apps Checker for XrmToolBox

Read all about this new tool utilizing the Power Apps Checker API here: The post NEW Release: Power Apps Checker for XrmToolBox appeared first on The Dynamics 365… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their blog NEW Release: Power Apps Checker for XrmToolBox ⋆ The Dynamics 365 Trenches Read all about this new tool utilizing the Power Apps Checker API here: Blog...

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Power Apps Checker for XrmToolBox – YouTube

Power Apps Checker for XrmToolBox – YouTube

Read more: source

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Create view: Active Contacts in My State

Create view: Active Contacts in My State

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and Common Data Service offer us the querying language FetchXML to retrieve data. Since this is the language used for views saved in the system, we can use FetchXML Builder for XrmToolBox to alter the features of views beyond what is possible using platform features, without making them unsupported. I recently got a question from Mike if it would… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s...

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Going to Dublin #365SatDub – YouTube
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Balancing Cool Tech, Usability and TCO

Balancing Cool Tech, Usability and TCO

I’m a techie. I like new, shiny, cool stuff.Newest however, usually costs.And customers usually like cheap.Users don’t care about either.They just want a system that empowers more than it obstructs.So how do you find the balance between the three? Is it even possible? Or is it just another Project Management Triangle? Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a secret formula to solve the… Continue Reading Jonas...

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No more Export as Unmanaged ⋆ The Dynamics 365 Trenches

Ever since “CRM 2011” Microsoft has been pushing the message that we should have unmanaged solutions only in Development environments. That message is being emphasized even more as we walk into the new Power Platform era.Ideas have been raised that one day we might not be allowed to import unmanaged solutions to an environment that is not explicitly tagged for Development. I would… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on...

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No more Export as Unmanaged

No more Export as Unmanaged

Ever since “CRM 2011” Microsoft has been pushing the message that we should have unmanaged solutions only in Development environments. That message is being emphasized even more as we walk into the new Power Platform era.Ideas have been raised that one day we might not be allowed to import unmanaged solutions to an environment that is not explicitly tagged for Development. I would suggest… Continue Reading Jonas...

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The Milliseconds Are Here!

The Milliseconds Are Here!

Ever since I started using the Plugin Trace Log for investigation of my plugins around three years ago, I have wondered why we don’t have timestamps with better granularity than seconds.As I expressed it in an article from 2017: Given the CPU power we have today, it is just incomprehensible why we should not get more detail in the timing of plugin execution.It is like defining my age by… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s...

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The Milliseconds Are Here! ⋆ The Dynamics 365 Trenches

Ever since I started using the Plugin Trace Log for investigation of my plugins around three years ago, I have wondered why we don’t have timestamps with better granularity than seconds.As I expressed it in an article from 2017: Given the CPU power we have today, it is just incomprehensible why we should not get more detail in the timing of plugin execution.It is like defining my age… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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Easter week in the media

Easter week in the media

As the Easter approaches, this is a short week at work.Nevertheless, a lot has happened around the media. Here’s a recap. Press release On Monday I started my new job at CRM-Konsulterna, an infinitesimal Dynamics consultancy (compared to Avanade that I just came from) started by fellow MVP Gustaf Westerlund. My signing was highlighted in Swedish media through this press… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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Easter week in the media ⋆ The Dynamics 365 Trenches

As the Easter approaches, this is a short week at work.Nevertheless, a lot has happened around the media. Here’s a recap. Press release On Monday I started my new job at CRM-Konsulterna, an infinitesimal Dynamics consultancy (compared to Avanade that I just came from) started by fellow MVP Gustaf Westerlund. My signing was highlighted in Swedish media through this press… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article on their...

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Avoid nested conditionals in Microsoft Flow by using Guard Conditions ⋆ The Dynamics 365 Trenches

After working as a developer for a quarter century I have seen my fair share of nested conditionals and probably caused way beyond my fair share.Nested conditionals make the code harder to read and simply less aesthetic. When working with Microsoft Flow, this becomes even more obvious with the screen real estate that the Flow designed requires. An alternative design pattern is to use… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s Article...

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Avoid nested conditionals in Microsoft Flow by using Guard Conditions

Avoid nested conditionals in Microsoft Flow by using Guard Conditions

After working as a developer for a quarter century I have seen my fair share of nested conditionals and probably caused way beyond my fair share.Nested conditionals make the code harder to read and simply less aesthetic. When working with Microsoft Flow, this becomes even more obvious with the screen real estate that the Flow designed requires. An alternative design pattern is to use

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Dynamic content in Auto Numbers for Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM

Dynamic content in Auto Numbers for Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM

As the creator of the Auto Number Manager tool in XrmToolBox, I get two questions more than any other questions: How can I number existing records?How can I add dynamic content to the numbers? In a previous article I gave my solution to the first question. I will now dive into the second one and show a simple way of adding dynamic information from the numbered entity and related entities… Continue Reading Jonas...

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We create XrmToolBox tools at Dynamics 365 Saturdays!

We create XrmToolBox tools at Dynamics 365 Saturdays!

The community of developers for Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM in general and for XrmToolBox in particular is a great bunch of people. But I wish there were more of us – the more the merrier The D365 Saturday phenomenon with pro bono speakers at a full day event, free of charge for participants, has spread like wildfire over the last couple of years.The connection to the XrmToolBox is… Continue Reading Jonas Rapp’s...

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