Master prompt engineer with Microsoft Designer

Master prompt engineer with Microsoft Designer

Prompt engineering is one of the must-have skills at this point, but let's start from scratch: what TF is prompt engineering? That is more or less the idea, however, it's difficult to learn how to prompt. It often relates to the way a system works (e.g. Power Automate, prompting won't use natural language per se, but more of a Power Automate logic-based prompting), but in the deep core is… Continue Reading Ana...

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OOB: Model-driven app within D365 HR.

OOB: Model-driven app within D365 HR.

Release notes were shared a couple of days ago, and I'm beyond happy to share the following news with you: WE HAVE A RECRUITMENT PIECE BUILT IN POWER PLATFORM! Who is excited? I am! I'll share with you why this means a huge advancement towards a unified experience. For those who have worked with D365 HR, we know how painful it can be to have siloed systems, and sometimes the integrations with… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Agent for HR joiners using Copilot Studio

Agent for HR joiners using Copilot Studio

Recruitment processes are one of the first activities that new HR hires need to get up to speed. Recruiters are hired to create a robust pipeline of candidates and to cover all vacancies across the organization. I was thinking about this scenario and my issues when hiring people: Which questions should I ask for an entry-level position? Which questions I should never ask? How do I… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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D365 HR Benefits statements, why and how.

D365 HR Benefits statements, why and how.

One of the cool features we have within Dynamics 365 Human Resources is the Benefits statement. According to Microsoft official documentation benefits statements are: How can you get into the extraction of the benefits statement? Just follow the steps below and you will get there. Log into the Dynamics 365 Human Resources. In the left pane open the hamburger menu and then the Human… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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Working with AI Prompts

Working with AI Prompts

One of the things that makes me happy and boosts my mood – believe it or not – is to find innovative ways to do things and alternatives to the norm that can leverage work on so many levels. While navigating this scenario I discovered a piece of technology I love: AI prompts within Power Platform. My friend Daniel Laskewitz delivered a session at Dynamics Minds about the topic and I knew I had… Continue Reading Ana...

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Power Platform AI Hub for HR

Power Platform AI Hub for HR

If you haven't started to use AI within Power Platform, this is the ideal blog for you. In this short, simple – but very insightful article – I will delve into the magic (or science) behind AI models, and just in case you do not feel inspired, with each model I'm sharing a process flow on when to use it 🙂 These process flows will give you a general understanding of when to add an AI component… Continue...

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Secret weapon for HR! Dynamics 365, Copilot Studio & ServiceNow Hack!

Secret weapon for HR! Dynamics 365, Copilot Studio & ServiceNow Hack!

This video shows a smart self-service solution for Microsoft Dynamics 365 HR, featuring a super-powered AI chatbot built with the dream team of Microsoft solutions: Dynamics 365 HR: Your central hub for all employee needs. Microsoft Copilot Studio: The AI whiz that bridges the gap between systems. ServiceNow: Your IT service management powerhouse. Here's the magic: Employees can… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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AI Prompts with AI Builder

AI Prompts with AI Builder

Yesterday I was hosting a webinar with Microsoft team about AI and HR. While demoing a great model-driven app one of my colleagues created (Denisa ), I made a beginner’s mistake, and that led to an error in the plan we had. Luckily we were able to recover fast, and even prove the point on why prompt engineering is a big deal. During the demo, I was using this app to retrieve information about… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Add Power Apps to Dynamics 365 Human Resources.

Add Power Apps to Dynamics 365 Human Resources.

I love this feature, and chances are that you have already seen it. However, let me share one of my favorite Dynamics 365 Human Resources tips. There are cases where D365HR fits short or the existing features do not accommodate your or your client’s needs. Maybe you don’t want to implement the whole project piece included in the ERP, so you could – for example – follow these steps to add a… Continue...

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Request to recruit

Request to recruit

You want to pay attention to this post. It will become quite important for the future of Dynamics 365 Human Resources, and not a very far future. At the moment there are two recruitment experiences we can enable within Dynamics 365 Human Resources. Today we will work with HR Recruitment, you will notice that after enabling this HR experience in the parameters the Recruitment management module… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Summarize emails using GPT within Power Automate.

Summarize emails using GPT within Power Automate.

AI shouldn’t be necessary cutting edge and super complex technology. In this blog, I’m showing you how easy it can be to apply AI to your day-to-day life using Power Automate. Log into make.powerautomate and find the template section. Once in the template section, type GPT and select the option Summarize email with GPT. You will need to enable a couple of permissions and connect with… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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My own Copilot: Nova

My own Copilot: Nova

After the Copilot series in Microsoft Reactor, I received some very kind messages about Nova. For those who haven’t seen the series, Nova is a Copilot I created to learn and be updated with the latest trends. Like many of you, I have a busy schedule and that means that I do not have as much time as I would like for research and investigation, while I dedicate time to it, sometimes in a rush… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Start here: Copilot

Start here: Copilot

Since the launch of Copilot, we’ve been increasingly listening to logic and nonsense. This post tries to bring light to what on earth Copilot is. As you are aware there are plenty of resources, and we might feel a bit bombarded by the amount of information. Don’t be a total newbie! This blog breaks down the fundamentals so you can cruise through success. What is Copilot? In the context of… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Personnel actions for Manager self-service.

Personnel actions for Manager self-service.

If you ever worked in a Dynamics 365 Human Resources implementation you know about this topic… There is no middle ground, you either like them or not like them. But the good thing is that you can go from hate to love quite quickly when it makes sense to use them for a business purpose. I’m playing mysterious. What am I talking about? Personnel bloody actions. Let’s start from the basics,… Continue Reading Ana...

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Copilot for Low Code

Copilot for Low Code

Do you use Power Platform and want to level up the game? Join me in this session to review the basics of Copilot and AI components within Power Apps and Power Automate. Learn in one hour how to do cool stuff with the help of Generative AI 🙂 Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog Copilot for Low Code Do you use Power Platform and want to level up the game? Join me in this session to review the basics of Copilot...

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Microsoft Copilot Studio 101

Microsoft Copilot Studio 101

Do you want to learn a bit more about Microsoft Copilot Studio? Maybe even create your own? In this session we will dive into Microsoft Copilot Studio, I’ll walk you through how to create your own Copilot tailored to your specific needs without a single line of code. Let’s get into it. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog Microsoft Copilot Studio 101 Do you want to learn a bit more about...

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Microsoft Copilot 101

Microsoft Copilot 101

During the first month of the year, I was lucky to deliver a couple of sessions for Microsoft Reactor (Home | Microsoft Reactor) about Copilot, going from Microsoft 365 Copilot, Copilot Studio, and Copilot for Low code. In this episode, you will discover how Microsoft Copilot can become your indispensable productivity partner. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog Microsoft Copilot 101 During the first month...

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D365 HR: Compare benefits plans

D365 HR: Compare benefits plans

Deploying a new Dynamics environment means that our first stop is Feature Management. I was doing this earlier today and realized that some new features have been released and it was time to test them immediately. One of the features that has taken protagonism in the last couple of releases is Benefits Management, and today I can tell you that the efforts have paid off. I’m quite happy with… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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D365 HR + Excel = OOB Reports

D365 HR + Excel = OOB Reports

One of the things HR teams always ask is: can I export it to Excel? The truth is that almost everything in Dynamics 365 Human Resources can be exported to Excel and sometimes even imported. But that is a conversation for another day. Speaking about extracting data from Dynamics, this blog will be about the out-of-the-box reports we can retrieve from existing information in our ERP/HRIS…. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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Your own AI Prompt library

Your own AI Prompt library

I was having a look at Power Apps Studio today and something caught my eye. It is under the AI Hub, and it’s called ‘Unlock the power of generative AI with GPT’. If we go through Microsoft documentation we can find out that Text generation model’s capability is a powerful tool in AI Builder. It enables you to quickly and easily build AI-powered applications that use text generated from your… Continue...

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AI Builder for Image Description

AI Builder for Image Description

I’m a fanatic about AI Builder or AI Models, or however it is called these days. Sometimes I lack the imagination or creativity to create ALT descriptions for my images. I thought trying the Describe your image AI Model was a good idea. So keep reading if you want to see the results. Log into make.powerapps and select AI Hub. From the three options on the top, select AI Models. After this page… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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BYOC: Microsoft Copilot Studio

BYOC: Microsoft Copilot Studio

There is someone who is SUPER hyped with all the Copilot stuff going on, and that person is ME. I won’t tell you what is going on with it, you can read it here: Announcing Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft 365 Blog, but I will tell you how to use it. Two things you need to know: Microsoft Copilot Studio was formerly Power Virtual Agents – yes, you need to edit ALL your decks – so in… Continue Reading Ana...

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D365 HR Guru ⭐ PVA + GPT

D365 HR Guru ⭐ PVA + GPT

Today, I’m refreshing some of my knowledge around Power Virtual Agents and GPT and I couldn’t think of anything better than a Dynamics 365 Human Resources to help users with configuration questions. I used AI features, not only including the web where the content gets retrieved but also information I have stored locally, hence documents that contain important information. If you want to… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Cool Excel reports @ D365 HR

Cool Excel reports @ D365 HR

This two out-of-the-box reports are available for you to start using right away from Dynamics 365 Human Resources: Seniority list report and Workers hired in period report. Power BI embedded reports provide similar data, but won’t let you extract the results to Excel – I know you HR people, you love Excel. Let’s start the process. Log into Dynamics 365 Human Resources, and go to Personnel… Continue Reading Ana...

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Pay for Performance

Pay for Performance

Today we are going to explore a feature that combines two interesting areas from Human Resources processes: compensation and performance. In this article we will discover the magic within Dynamics 365 Human Resources and Pay for Performance functionality. The main reason why Pay for Performance exist is for those cases where organizations want to combine employee performance to salary… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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Microsoft Viva: Useful Resources

Microsoft Viva: Useful Resources

It’s been a long time since I posted about Microsoft Viva. Sometimes it’s challenging to stay updated with all the new releases Microsoft announces. Luckily I had some time to investigate and get back on track. Microsoft Viva is one of the platforms that has been revolutionizing the way we work on so many levels, it elevated the game for every organization. Multiple success stories can be… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Power BI for Human Resources

Power BI for Human Resources

I love Dynamics, but sometimes it’s great to look at what is available beside it. It’s also nice to understand what Microsoft is offering. While doing some research, I came across something super cool: Power BI for Human Resources. I’m not normally a fan of BI as it is completely outside of my comfort zone. If you want a little bit more about it keep reading. What we are going to discover… Continue Reading...

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AI in Power Automate: Describe it to design it

AI in Power Automate: Describe it to design it

I’m so excited about this article! We will dive together into the cool new feature from Power Automate: you describe the business process, and Power Automate builds it for you. But how does it work? According to Microsoft documentation (Create a cloud flow from a description (preview) – Power Automate | Microsoft Learn): This AI-powered feature uses a language model to create a cloud flow from… Continue Reading Ana...

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Service-centric Cloud ERP and Human Resources implementations

Service-centric Cloud ERP and Human Resources implementations

As a person working within ERP projects, my main goal is to deliver not only Human Resources solutions but also to understand the full scenario and overall business challenges. It’s much more than just personnel management or leaves and absence, I like to think that our duty as consultants is to advise on a strategic level. And that is the reason for this post, in the following lines I will… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Create a new workspace in D365 HR

Create a new workspace in D365 HR

In some business scenarios, Dynamics 365 Human Resources might gather features in a way your customer doesn’t. This could look like a stopper, but believe me, there is an excellent way to group functionalities in a custom new workspace. Today I’ll show you how to create a new workspace, add features and customize it. The only thing that you will need for this is the Dynamics 365 Human… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Power Virtual Agents + GPT for D365 HR knowledge

Power Virtual Agents + GPT for D365 HR knowledge

My first try with Power Virtual Agents + GPT is here! It took me a bit as I had some issues with the tenant but now is sorted. I must say is a simple post, but super powerful. The cool thing is that you can apply this example to pretty much any business need. To try it, log into Once the page has loaded, select + Create a bot. You will have two options to… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Power Apps Cards for starters

Power Apps Cards for starters

Are you new to Power Apps Cards? No worries, all of us are. The functionality is still new and updates are made constantly. In this guide, I summarize a couple of cool resources that are worth reading before jumping into it: What the hell are Power Apps Cards? Cards for Power Apps overview (preview) – Power Apps | Microsoft Learn What should I know before getting started? Requirements for… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Post Power Apps Cards in Teams using Power Automate

Post Power Apps Cards in Teams using Power Automate

In this blog, we will combine three powerful platforms: Power Apps Cards, Power Automate, and Microsoft Teams. If you feel a bit lost, don´t worry I’ve got you covered: Power App Cards + Dataverse ( In my previous article, you will find an overview of Power Apps Cards and how to create one with Dataverse. Today I wanted to try new things and we are going to use Power App… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Skill-mapping profiles

Skill-mapping profiles

How difficult is it for you or your HR customer to find the right people for the job openings? Let’s be real, some companies have made investments in recruiting platforms when the majority of the talent is already inside the company waiting for a promotion or career switch. Based on the research I’ve made, 40% of millennial employees expect a promotion within 1 to 2 years. Far from trying to… Continue Reading Ana...

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Worker goals report

Worker goals report

One of the coolest things we can do with Dynamics 365 Human Resources is play around with Development. This module is one of my favorites as I’ve been working on and migrating stuff lately. It’s sort of fun, and it provides a lot of nice functionalities. Today we will dive into the Worker goals report, this is a feature that was not available in the old infrastructure of Dynamics 365 Human… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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When Power BI meets Dynamics 365 HR

When Power BI meets Dynamics 365 HR

There’s a tiny secret not a lot of people know: Dynamics 365 Human Resources provides an out-of-the-box integration with Power BI. Keep reading because it sounds more romantic than it actually is. The thing is that Human Resources departments often lack tools to display metrics (and sometimes even the metrics don’t exist) Microsoft understood that market needs very well, by providing Power BI… Continue Reading Ana...

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Power Automate 101

Power Automate 101

There’s magic everywhere, even in Power Automate. At least twice a week I log into make.powerautomate to search for cool templates. My main idea is to find something and adapt it to the business scenario I have in mind. There’s a reason why I dive into templates and I’m going to admit it, if it’s already available, why should I create everything from scratch? Well, sometimes this approach… Continue...

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Time's Up! Using expiration rules to manage leave in D365 HR

Time's Up! Using expiration rules to manage leave in D365 HR

One of the most common questions during Dynamics 365 Human Resources implementation is the possibility to expire carry-forward balances from Leave and Absence plans. This is basically the elimination of absence that remained from previous periods. During the projects I’ve been involved in, I’ve seen a variety of leave types, plans, and accruals, but this topic is cross-country in most cases…. Continue Reading Ana...

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Applicant resume report

I’ve been a fan of D365 HR for a long time now, but every time I discover a new feature I get easily excited to try it out and see how customers and partners can start using it. Today I’m presenting one feature that has become part of my top #10 already, you can find it in the Recruitment management module. The applicant resume report lets you extract the information from applicants based on… Continue Reading Ana...

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Power App Cards + Dataverse

Have you tried Power Apps Cards already? These are great ways to display information and perform actions with them. In this post, I will share with you how to set up Power App Cards with Dataverse. Let’s start with the basics, what is Power App Cards? According to Microsoft documentation: Power Apps cards are micro-apps with enterprise data and workflows and interactive, lightweight UI… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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CV screening with AI Builder + Power Automate + Teams

Hi there! I am absolutely obsessed with AI Builder and its capabilities to read and extract information from various types of documents. Recently, I discovered a new use case for the tool – creating an AI model to read CV information about job candidates! With its “Extract Custom Information from Documents” feature, AI Builder is making it easier to gather valuable insights from resumes, cover… Continue Reading...

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AI Builder + Power Automate: identity information management

Tired of manual, time-consuming processes when verifying job applicants’ identities? Enter AI Builder. This tool uses artificial intelligence to extract information from identity documents like passports, driver’s licenses, and more. With its ability to quickly and accurately process this information, it’s a game-changer for HR departments everywhere. Get ready to see how AI is revolutionizing… Continue Reading...

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D365HR: Candidate Communication and Meetings

Is not a secret that recruiting features within Dynamics 365 Human Resources have been improving. If you have a Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations environment, you can easily check it out. If you don’t have an environment I recommend you deploy one over here: Get Started with Finance | Microsoft Dynamics 365 and enable the Recruitment management module in Feature Management. In this… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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The Power of Automated Leave & Absence Workflows

A workflow for leave and absence requests within Dynamics 365 Human Resources can automate the process of submitting, approving, and tracking employee leave requests. This can include the following steps: Employee submits leave request: The employee can use a form within Dynamics 365 to submit a leave request, including the start and end dates of the requested leave, the type of leave (e.g…. Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Welcoming like a Boss with Power Automate + DocuSign + Approval Workflows

So you want to learn how to send those fancy welcome emails to your candidates? No problem, follow the guide below. First things first, you’ll want to log in to make.powerautomate. Once you’re in, you’ll want to check out the templates by clicking on the templates tab. Now, you’ll see a search bar in the top right corner, just type in “Welcome email”. You’ll find a couple of options, I’m...

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AI + Microsoft: The Future of HR

Hey there! Are you/your customers tired of dealing with repetitive HR tasks and looking for a way to streamline your processes? Look no further than AI + Microsoft. By integrating AI into your HR operations, you can automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and make better decisions. In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways that AI can be used in HR and how the Microsoft platform,… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Presales Resources: Dynamics 365 Human Resources

The implementation of a Human Resources (HR) system is a critical step for any organization looking to streamline HR processes and improve the employee experience. Dynamics 365 Human Resources is a powerful solution that can help organizations do just that, but getting started can be a daunting task. In this article, we will explore the resources available to support presales teams in their… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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AI Builder + Power Automate + Outlook + Teams

AI Builder + Power Automate + Outlook + Teams

Ok, this is a fast and furious kind of post, because while I’m waiting for my plane to Uruguay I was looking for ideas but I discovered gold. What I’m about to share is something that you can do like right now. Let’s picture that the HR department receives a massive amount of emails every day, so it’s usual for them to forget to answer some of them. The problem is that some of those missing… Continue...

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Power Automate: Translate case management requests

Power Automate: Translate case management requests

I’ve been in love with Power Automate for a while now. This means that I’m trying to use it for Human Resources scenarios and unleash the potential that the platform has. In this short blog, I’ll show you how we can use Power Automate to translate case management requests. ‍Business case The Power Company is an organization with a workforce distributed worldwide. Even when there’s an HR… Continue Reading...

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Onboard employees with Power Automate

Onboard employees with Power Automate

I was trying to make something simple and fun. Thinking about HR challenges is something natural for me, that’s why I dived into the templates available in Power Automate and found something super simple but quite good. Sometimes simple is better. One of the most critical moments when starting a new relationship with your employee is to make them feel welcome and comfortable. With easy… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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