An excel column containing strings was set as a numeric column by SSIS – DIXF import

I am working on Data migration and though I felt monotonous initially, subsequently it helped me to gain knowledge on basic set ups of the modules across FO and most importantly on SQL and Excel areas.

In this post, I am sharing my knowledge on importing certain alphanumeric data emphasizing its spelling accents. One such instance was Zipcode import.

    • Few of the zip codes…

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An excel column containing strings was set as a numeric column by SSIS – DIXF import

I am working on Data migration and though I felt monotonous initially, subsequently it helped me to gain knowledge on basic set ups of the modules across FO and most importantly on SQL and Excel areas. In this post, I am sharing my knowledge on importing certain alphanumeric data emphasizing its spelling accents.

Blog Syndicated with AnithaEswaran’s Permission

Author: Anitha Santosh

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