Agent, Power Virtual Agent – Episode 5: Step by Step Authentication – YouTube

Hello Everyone Hope you’re all keeping safe. For information on how to keep yourself safe from COVID-19 visit This episode of Power Virtual Agents (PVA) is about how to authenticate users in your PVA. This is #thenocodeway to leverage the power platform. Following steps are required: Go to Manage and click ‘Authentication’ Pre-filled and optional fields on the authentication form: Service Provider Scopes Copy information from for the following fields: Authorisation URL query string template – ?client_id=(ClientId)&response_type=code&redirect_uri=(RedirectUrl)&scope=(Scopes)&state=(State) Token URL query string template “?” Refresh URL query string template “?” Refresh body template -refresh_token=(RefreshToken)&redirect_uri=(RedirectUrl)&grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=(ClientId)&client_secret=(ClientSecret) Scope list delimiter “,” Token body template -code=(Code)&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=(RedirectUrl)&client_id=(ClientId)&client_secret=(ClientSecret) Azure portal– App registration Register App and get your Client ID Create a secret and get your Client secret Add permissions openid- to sign users in User.Read.All- to read user’s profile User.Read- generated by default Redirect URL- Remaining fields for authorisation configuration Authorisation URL template- Overview–Endpoints–OAuth2.0 authorisation endpoint 2.0 (copy) Token URL template-Overview–Endpoints–OAuth2.0 token endpoint 2.0 (copy) Refresh URL template- same as token URL template Scope- Your DB URL/user_impersonation Video here: Hope it helps! Stay safe!


Author: Prashant Shukla

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