Adventures With A Raspberry Pi: How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi series.

Upgrading the OS on a raspberry Pi is recommended to be done one version at a time. Once you know exactly which version of Raspbian (or Raspberry Pi OS as newer versions are known), you will be able to determine the upgrade path you need to follow. I covered how to determine which OS version you have in the previous post in this…

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Adventures With A Raspberry Pi: How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

This post is part of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi series. Upgrading the OS on a raspberry Pi is recommended to be done one version at a time. Once you know exactly which version of Raspbian (or Raspberry Pi OS as newer versions are known), you will be able to determine the upgrade path you need to follow.

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Author: Ian Grieve

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