Add React and Tests to a TypeScript project

In one of my last blog posts, I explained how to set up a basic TypeScript project. In this article, I would like to explain how to add React and Tests to a TypeScript project. We will achieve this in a way that the react parts are in the same structure as the rest of our TypeScript.

At the end of this post, you can find a “Summary” section where I list all the commands we executed and the…

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Add React and Tests to a TypeScript project ” Benedikt’s Power Platform Blog

In one of my last blog posts, I explained how to set up a basic TypeScript project. In this article, I would like to explain how to add React and Tests to a TypeScript project. We will achieve this in a way that the react parts are in the same structure as the rest of our TypeScript.

Blog Syndicated with Benedikt’s Permission

Author: Benedikt Bergmann

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