The arrears module provides a new way of managing the arrears process!……staying on top of arrears within a traditional housing management system usually involves writing lengthy notes about what you did to try and collect money from the customer. However, this means that anyone else who picks up the case has to read through a tonne of bum covering notes to find out what the next action should be.
The latest #D365ForHousing module sets out to help you manage arrears in a sensible way that provides quick access to the detail you need as soon as you start working on the arrears case. Its a great base to get you going with managing arrears from the start of the process through to eviction. It provides some great benefits including the ability to:
These, along with some useful workflows that generate reminders, help you stay on top of open cases. Here’s a video to tell you more about how the module works:
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This module does require previous Dynamics 365 experience. It includes the solutions and documentation you’ll need to build what you saw in the video above.
This module enables you to manage arrears cases in Dynamics (and the contact around them) but would need integration to a data source to get additional value.
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