Measuring Customer Experience with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice

Mihir ShahDyn365CE3 years ago11 Views

“What you cannot measure you cannot improve” – I think you will agree to this statement. If you want to improve your customer experience than first you need to know how to measure it. Once you measure it than you can track and take action from your insights to improve customer experience.

Customer Experience is about how the customer feels after having an interaction with your business. The interaction can be of 3 main types
1. Products – You want to know how the customer feels after purchasing and using your product. 
2. Services – If you are selling services, how the customer felt after the service was delivered. Like automotive maintenance service
3. Processes –  How was the customer online buying process experience or experience with the case resolution process.
An enterprise may want to know all 3 of the above and get valuable feedback from the Customer. If you have large number of products and thousands of customers globally you need to have a Enterprise Feedback management system like Dynamics 365 #CustomerVoice. 
I have written 2 blogs earlier about Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Customer Voice. My blog-1 gives an overview about Customer Voice and blog-2 is about considerations when deploying #CustomerVoice.
This blog is about how to measure your Enterprise Customer Experience using #CustomerVoice.
Measuring of Customer Experience is done using Satisfaction Metrics. The metrics are mapped to questions in the Survey. As the survey responses come in Customer Voice services sends the responses to Azure Cognitive services for analysis and also to the Customer Voice analytics engine. After the analysis is done the results are stores in Dataverse. 
Response analysis

There are 4 types of Satisfaction metrics that you can use. 
Satisfaction metrics

1. CSAT or Customer satisfaction is measured by responses to rating type questions in survey and is normalized to a range of 1-5. The below are example of CSAT survey questions.
CSAT question types


2. NPS or Net Promote Score is a metric used to measure customer loyalty. It is based on NPS type questions with scale 0-10 as shown below. 
NPS questions

Customer voice will group the respondents as follows 
    i.   Detractors = response from 0-6 rating
    ii.  Passive = responses with 7 or 8 rating
    iii.  Promotes = responses with 9 or 10 rating 
The NPS is a number calculated using the formula 
NPS = (% of Promoters) – (% of Detractors) 
NPS can range from -100 (100% detractors) to 100 (100% Promoters).
3. Sentiment – this identifies how the customer feels about a product, service or process. This is done using a text based question response. Sentiment will group the response based on the text as positive, negative or neutral. 
4. Custom Score – You may want to have a custom scoring of the question in a Survey. The custom score allows you to assign a point value to the answer options. Based on the response the score is calculated and assigned to the Survey.  This can help you to add more weightage to certain question answers and thus get an custom measurement of the respondents satisfaction level.
Custom Score

As you are planning and designing the questionnaire make sure that you understand how the customer experience can be measured so you have the right insights. In my next blog I will discuss about tracking and actionable insights.
I hope this helps you in improving your enterprise customer experience with #CustomerVoice. Thanks for reading.

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