Time and again we need to have a Dynamics 365 CE trial instance, whether it be for exploring new features or trying a proof of concept solution. Microsoft has recently changed the way we used to setup the trial instances. The method to create a new 30 days trial instance is given in the following steps:
Step 1: Navigate to this URL and provide your personal/official email address.
Step 2: Click on “Set up account”
Step 3: Provide your information as below.
Step 4: Get verify your mobile number.
Step 5: Enter your domain name and check its availability. Once it says that the entered domain is available, click on “Next”.
Step 6: Create Username and set Password and click on “Sign up”
Step 7: Now, click on “Let’s go”.
Step 8: You will be redirected to below screen. Select which scenario fits you best. You can also change your currency here. This can’t be changed later unless the instance is reset. Once you are done, click on “Complete Setup”.
Step 9: All Set, your trial instance is ready to be used.
You can access your newly created Instance by below URLs
CRM Instance: https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf
Power Apps Portal: https://make.powerapps.com/
Azure Portal: https://portal.azure.com/
Admin Portal: https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/support
Check out my recent blog posts:
Original Post https://vikrantsdynamicsblogs.wordpress.com/2020/06/25/new-way-to-create-dynamics-365-30-days-trail-account/