Weekly Update #74 – 3 years at Microsoft
This week I hit three years as a Microsoft employee, it’s been a wild ride so far! Join me in this update as I share the Azure news of the week and also talk about the upcoming ITOpsTalks event. As well as my thoughts on content creation and feedback and remembering to be nice to each other!
ITOps Talks Event – https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/itops-talk-blog/let-s-try-something-different-itops-talks-hybrid-event/ba-p/2040890?WT.mc_id=modinfra-12867-salean
Public IP SKU Upgrade – https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/public-ip-sku-upgrade-generally-available/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-12867-salean
My video graphics were created by the awesome Krist McKenna from Ratworks
Music by https://www.bensound.com and https://youtube.com/ikson
This week I hit three years as a Microsoft employee, it’s been a wild ride so far! Join me in this update as I share the Azure news of the week and also talk about the upcoming ITOpsTalks event. As well as my thoughts on content creation and feedback and remembering to be nice to each other!
ITOps Talks Event – https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/itops-talk-blog/let-s-try-something-different-itops-talks-hybrid-event/ba-p/2040890?WT.mc_id=modinfra-12867-salean
Public IP SKU Upgrade – https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/public-ip-sku-upgrade-generally-available/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-12867-salean
My video graphics were created by the awesome Krist McKenna from Ratworks
Music by https://www.bensound.com and https://youtube.com/ikson