Resco Woodford has introduced a new feature in the latest release i.e., the Bulk Update option on view. This feature is available in the latest version on Woodford i.e., 15.1.
Till now there was no functionality to update multiple records in a single click same as a web client. Now this “Bulk Update” feature shall allow us to select multiple records on view and to perform bulk update operations from the mobile app as well.
Let’s take a look at the configurations to edit multiple records from the view.
Note: To use this feature make sure the Woodford and Resco Mobile CRM App both are upgraded to version 15.1 or later. Additionally “Field Service Mobile – Xamarin” is no longer available, so using the Resco Mobile CRM App, will require an additional license from Resco.
The first step is, we need to create the Bulk Update Form for the entity, which will be available when we perform a bulk update operation.
So let’s create the form. Here we will create the Bulk Update form for…