The Canvas App provides us with a visually rich representation of our data for mobile devices.
Recently while trying to incorporate functionality in the Canvas App we needed a way to parse JSON. In the quest to find an appropriate approach for the same, we got to know that we can do this using Regex.
Before getting into the details of how to parse JSON in the Canvas app using Regex, let us summarize the scenario.
We wanted to have a Canvas app with a landing screen for every user to show a detailed list of entities/tables enabled for respective security roles in CRM. This means, the respective users will only be able to access the respective entity/table provided, they have one of the security roles assigned for themselves from the list of roles enabled for the entity/table they are trying to access.
From the below screenshot you shall see the role(s) per entity to which we have enabled access.
Now, if a user, let’s say, having only the security role Basic User…