We would get this error within Power Automate Approval Flow if we are using Security Group to control access to Dynamics 365 Environment and are sending Approval to a user who is not a member of that security group. Below is the User within the Tenant but is not member of the My CRM Group … Continue reading “Fixed – Error code: ‘UserNotMemberOfCdsSecurityGroup’. Error Message: ‘The user ‘xyz’…
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Fixed – Error code: ‘UserNotMemberOfCdsSecurityGroup’. Error Message: ‘The user ‘xyz’ cannot be created in Microsoft Dataverse because the account is not a member of group ‘abc’
We would get this error within Power Automate Approval Flow if we are using Security Group to control access to Dynamics 365 Environment and are sending Approval to a user who is not a member of that security group. Below is the User within the Tenant but is not member of the My CRM Group…
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