? https://meganvwalker.com/creating-your-own-website-personal-brand-series
What should you consider when starting a new website? You’ve got to have goals, figure out your domain, and then find somewhere to host it. In this video, I’ll talk through some of the points I think are important when getting your own site up and running!
In this series, I will be talking about building and marketing your own personal brand. I’ve roped in a few fellow MVP’s to ask their thoughts and feedback.
Special thanks to the following MVPs for sending me their thoughts!
? Gus Gonzalez
✔ Website: https://www.elev8solutions.com/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GusGonzalez2
? Scott Durow
✔ Website: https://develop1.net/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottDurow
? Nick Doelman
✔ Website: https://readyxrm.blog/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/readyxrm
? Gustaf Westerlund
✔ Website: https://www.crmkonsulterna.se/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/crmgustaf
? Amey Holden
✔ Website: https://www.ameyholden.com/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmeyHolden
? Neil Benson
✔ Website: https://www.customery.com/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/customery
? Joe Unwin
✔ Website: https://www.flowjoe.io/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Flow_Joe_
? Jonas Rapp
✔ Website: https://jonasr.app/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rappen
? Nicholas Hayduk
✔ Website: https://www.engineeredcode.com/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Engineered_Code
? Ed Gonzales
✔ Website: https://www.flyingpolymath.com/
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PoweredbyEdG
Thanks for watching. You can find me in the following places:
? Website: https://meganvwalker.com
? Twitter: http://twitter.com/meganvwalker
? LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/meganwalker
? Subscribe to my blog at: https://meganvwalker.com/subscribe-ne…
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