In a modern SharePoint site you can create custom themes using PowerShell, REST API & CSOM. In this blogpost I will show you how to create themes using PowerAutomate. The following REST endpoints are available
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Create/Delete a SharePoint custom theme using PowerAutomate
In a modern SharePoint site you can create custom themes using PowerShell, REST API & CSOM. In this blogpost I will show you how to create themes using PowerAutomate. The following REST endpoints are available http:// /_api/thememanager/AddTenantThemehttp:// /_api/thememanager/DeleteTenantThemehttp:// /_api/thememanager/GetTenantThemingOptionshttp:// /_api/thememanager/ApplyThemehttp:// /_api/thememanager/UpdateTenantTheme There is an online Theme Generator tool that you can use to define new…
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