Where is the limit in Business Central CRM capability when integrating it with D365 Sales? (part 3)

As I have told you in the previous blog post for part 3, I will introduce you to the Data Synchronization feature, and I will try to explain all capabilities of Data Synchronization.

Before we start creating and explaining how it works, one step needs to be made before we Synchronize Sales Professional and Business Central. You will need to create Synchronization between Dataverse and…

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Where is the limit in Business Central CRM capability when integrating it with D365 Sales? (part 3)

As I have told you in the previous blog post for part 3, I will introduce you to the Data Synchronization feature, and I will try to explain all capabilities of Data Synchronization. Before we start creating and explaining how it works, one step needs to be made before we Synchronize Sales Professional and Business…

Blog Syndicated with Marko Totovic’s Permission

Author: Aleksandar Totovic

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