When Dev Meets Ops – Ep #7 – Microservices: Terraform, DevOps Gated/CI Build/Rel GitHub Actions, AKS
Released: 05.08.22
Meetup RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/msft-stack/events/287324375
Session 7
What are we going to do today?
Introduction to Terraform (5 Minutes)
Hands-on with local resources using Terraform (main.tf, variables.tf, and output.tf) (10 Minutes)
Terraform State (5 Minutes)
Deploy Resource Group, Virtual Network, and Storage Account to Azure using Terraform (10 Minutes)
DevOps from 30,000 feet (1 Minutes)
Pull Request Process (5 Minutes)
Infrastructure AKS – Gated Build, and Continuous Integration Build using GitHub Actions (5 Minutes)
Infrastructure AKS – Release Pipeline using GitHub Actions (5 Minutes)
Deploy Products Microservice into AKS (5 Minutes) – Stretch Goal
Deploy S3 Bucket to AWS using Terraform (5 Minutes) – Stretch Goal
Review/Q & A/Panel Discussion (5 Minutes)
What is next in Session 8? (5 Minutes)
Released: 05.08.22
Meetup RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/msft-stack/events/287324375
Session 7
What are we going to do today?
Introduction to Terraform (5 Minutes)
Hands-on with local resources using Terraform (main.tf, variables.tf, and output.tf) (10 Minutes)
Terraform State (5 Minutes)
Deploy Resource Group, Virtual Network, and Storage Account to Azure using Terraform (10 Minutes)
DevOps from 30,000 feet (1 Minutes)
Pull Request Process (5 Minutes)
Infrastructure AKS – Gated Build, and Continuous Integration Build using GitHub Actions (5 Minutes)
Infrastructure AKS – Release Pipeline using GitHub Actions (5 Minutes)
Deploy Products Microservice into AKS (5 Minutes) – Stretch Goal
Deploy S3 Bucket to AWS using Terraform (5 Minutes) – Stretch Goal
Review/Q & A/Panel Discussion (5 Minutes)
What is next in Session 8? (5 Minutes)