When Dev Meets Ops Ep #6 – Microservices Infrastructure Deployment and IaC – YouTube

When Dev Meets Ops Ep #6 – Microservices Infrastructure Deployment and IaC

Live: 15.07.22

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/msft-stack/events/287139445

Session 6
What are we going to do today?
Azure Resource Creation – Manual (3 Minutes)
Introduction to PowerShell and Az Module (3 Minutes)
Create a Windows & Ubuntu Virtual Machine in using .PS1 (4 Minutes)
Introduction to Azure CLI (3 Minutes)
Create a Web App in using Azure CLI (4 Minutes)
What is IaC? (3 Minutes)
Introduction to ARM (5 Minutes)
Deploy SQL Server, Database using ARM + .PS1 (5 Minutes)
Deplopy App Service, Web App using ARM + AZ CLI .sh (5 Minutes)
Introduction to Terraform (5 Minutes)
Deploy Virtual Network, and AKS using Terraform (10 Minutes)
Review/Q & A/Panel Discussion (5 Minutes)
What is next in Session 6? (5 Minutes)

Live: 15.07.22

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/msft-stack/events/287139445

Session 6
What are we going to do today?
Azure Resource Creation – Manual (3 Minutes)
Introduction to PowerShell and Az Module (3 Minutes)
Create a Windows & Ubuntu Virtual Machine in using .PS1 (4 Minutes)
Introduction to Azure CLI (3 Minutes)
Create a Web App in using Azure CLI (4 Minutes)
What is IaC? (3 Minutes)
Introduction to ARM (5 Minutes)
Deploy SQL Server, Database using ARM + .PS1 (5 Minutes)
Deplopy App Service, Web App using ARM + AZ CLI .sh (5 Minutes)
Introduction to Terraform (5 Minutes)
Deploy Virtual Network, and AKS using Terraform (10 Minutes)
Review/Q & A/Panel Discussion (5 Minutes)
What is next in Session 6? (5 Minutes)


Author: John Lunn

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