Using the Dynamic Data Type in KQL


Lately I’ve been working more with telemetry, Application Insights, the excellent Power BI report and samples from Microsoft and writing a little KQL. Back in the days when you actually knew where your SQL server was I used to write a lot of ad-hoc SQL for analysis or troubleshooting so getting into KQL has been nice.

KQL sort of looks like SQL…but with the SELECT and FROM clauses…

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Using the Dynamic Data Type in KQL

Intro Lately I’ve been working more with telemetry, Application Insights, the excellent Power BI report and samples from Microsoft and writing a little KQL. Back in the days when you actually knew where your SQL server was I used to write a lot of ad-hoc SQL for analysis or troubleshooting so getting into KQL has…

Blog Syndicated with james’s Permission

Author: James Pearson

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