Unable to delete table due to entityanalyticsconfig

Working on a new environment recently I had to remove a few tables. However, after removing all normal dependencies, it complained finally about a dependency to the table: entityanalyticsconfig. Never heard about it. After some googling on Microsoft Learn I found that it is about the sync to datalake, which was funny as we hadn’t set up any sync. I think it might be the new Microsoft Fabric…

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Unable to delete table due to entityanalyticsconfig

Working on a new environment recently I had to remove a few tables. However, after removing all normal dependencies, it complained finally about a dependency to the table: entityanalyticsconfig. Never heard about it. After some googling on Microsoft Learn I found that it is about the sync to datalake, which was funny as we hadn’t set up any sync.

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Gustaf Westerlund

Author: Gustaf Westerlund

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