Below, I’ll share an issue that wasted my time during an Performance investigation.
I have to say also thanks to Microsoft Technical support for helping me.
Some ETL files opened with Trace Parser on a onebox VM, didn’t show up any methods and any queries. Something like that:
Cause: The ETW Providers “Microsoft-AX-XPPExecutionTraces” and “Microsoft-Dynamics-AX-ExecutionTraces” aren’t installed in the VM!
Find the location of the manifest files. If you are using a onebox VM they are in C:AOSServicewebrootMonitoring
Open a Powershell as Administrator and run the following commands to install the 2 missing event providers:
$resourcefiledir = “C:AOSServicewebroot”
$inputmanfile = “”
$outputmanfile = “”
$temp = Get-Content $inputmanfile
$temp = $temp -replace “%APPROOT%”,$resourcefiledir
$temp | out-file $outputmanfile
wevtutil im $outputmanfile
$inputmanfile = “”
$outputmanfile = “”
$temp = Get-Content $inputmanfile
$temp = $temp -replace “%APPROOT%”,$resourcefiledir
$temp | out-file $outputmanfile
wevtutil im $outputmanfile
Close and open Trace Parser again and verify the providers are visible in the list.
Another way is to:
Copy c:Monitoring folder from a 7.2 working VM
Run MonitoringInstall.cmd from Command Prompt running as Administrator in this folder
I guess with the new VM version this issue is gone!
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