In this video, Chris recaps the events over the last week, including his transition from FastTrack for Azure Engineer into a Cloud Solution Architect, The Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern and
In this video, Chris recaps the events over the last week, including his transition from FastTrack for Azure Engineer into a Cloud Solution Architect, The Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern and
In this video, Chris updates on cloud with Chris from the recent week as well as Azureish Live, what’s coming up over the next week (Azure Thames Valley, another blog
In this video, Chris updates on cloud with Chris from the recent week, and what’s coming up over the next week (Azureish Live, another blog post and The Pipes &
In this video, Chris updates on cloud with Chris from the recent week, and what’s coming up over the next week (Spoiler – This is a packed week – another
In this video, Chris updates on Cloud With Chris from the last week, and how you can keep up to date with all the upcoming content (Spoiler: It’s growing, including