About a month or so ago I did (or try to do) a webinar about best practices for Per Tenant Extensions. I was unhappy about the result but I guess
About a month or so ago I did (or try to do) a webinar about best practices for Per Tenant Extensions. I was unhappy about the result but I guess
Nesse vídeo vou ensinar você a configurar o seu tenant do Microsoft 365 para receber as atualizações com antecedência. Nesse exemplo vou mostrar uma atualização na webpart de eventos do
A common challenge when managing your Microsoft 365 tenant is managing the wide number of PowerShell modules available to manage each service, which are independant modules, that don’t work together
“For many organisations, Power BI is becoming absolute key in their Information Delivery stream. As an important cog in the chain, it’s the responsibility for that organisation to keep the
Vamos aprender a trocar a logo do login do o365 e a logo da barra superior. Participe da nossa comunidade no Discord sobre SharePoint. https://discord.gg/PzuuN5N E ai…#BoraAprenderSharePoint ?? source