With the calendar switching to October we are officially in the home stretch of the run up to Summit 2019 in Orlando, Florida. As always there is a wide variety
With the calendar switching to October we are officially in the home stretch of the run up to Summit 2019 in Orlando, Florida. As always there is a wide variety
Vintage Kylie at Disney circa 1995 If you are headed to User Group Summit North America in Orlando in a few weeks then I have some great session suggestions for
Please find my sessions for this year’s Dynamics 365/CRM User Group Summit. More details about the event can be found here: https://na.usergroupsummit.com/nasummit/attend/register
Top 10 Sessions Partners May Have Missed at Microsoft Inspire By GENNA JOUDREY If you have attended Microsoft Inspire, you… Continue Reading Genna Joudrey’s Article on their blog https://dynamicconsultantsgroup.com/blog/top-10-sessions-partners-may-have-missed-at-microsoft-inspire/ Blog
This fall I’ll be active and attend to four conferences as lecturer. If you want to see some of my lectures or to meet me, register for some of these